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Ed Bauman

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Detoxification with Ed Bauman

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The do's and don'ts of detoxification are discussed. We are exposed to a massive dose of toxins and our bodies are deleteriously affected by them. How we identify the body burden and then neutralize them are discussed.            

Healthy Restaurant Eating with Ed Bauman

submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
  Finding a restaurant with healthy food is not easy. Because Americans eat out so often, we need accountability from restaurants. Ed is consulting with restaurants and certifying those that have certain standards. Ratings are based on freshness, local and natural, organic, and affordability      

Holistic Nutrition with Ed Bauman, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Holistic nutrition looks are how everything fits together; this includes all aspect of food. It is important to appreciates how food interrelates with our culture and with nature. This provides great insights into how the world works and how we can influence how it functions.          

Nutritional Solutions for Insomnia with Ed Bauman

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Most people rely on a sleeping pills or alcohol. All too often we consume too many excitotoxins and blame high cortisol is the problem. Melatonin is used in megadoses. We look to putting bandaids on problems and they don't work. Bad food, medications, excitotoxins, and stress all add up.            

Stopping the Scourge of Cancer

submitted by: admin on 04/07/2015
Plant based diets help prevent cancer and its spread. Refined carbohydrates stimulate the growth of cancer. Real foods with sugars do not stimulate cancer. How can you clean up your act: create a natural environment. This in combination with oncology is a reasonable approach that works. We need open-minded oncologists for this.          

The Kids Culinary Academy with Ed Bauman

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
            Kids love structure and form and will respond to this happily to preparing and eating healthy food. Commercials give them the wrong idea about what is healthy. Food products are full of toxins and we need to teach this to them. Healthy food actually looks and tastes good.

The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Diseases

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The role of nutrition in managing chronic diseases cannot be overemphasized. It is not possible to make the nutrients we need without taking in the right raw! Dr. Ed Bauman reviews with us how he manages chronic diseases using foods, supplements and lifestyle to support the return to wellness.           

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