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A Practical Clinical Guide to Understanding Dysbiosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
This is an extensive review of how the ecosystem of the intestinal tract and affects its function and how it relates to immunity and permeability of the intestinal tract lining. It provides a scientific basis for natural and safe treatment of IBS and other bowel conditions using nutritional supplements such as probiotics, l-glutamine, quercetin, and UltraClear...

Acupuncture, Hypnosis and Infrared Light Work to Quit Smoking

submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
A review of 14 studies was published in the American Journal of Medicine in May of 2012 showing that acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and infrared light therapy are effective in helpling quit smoking. Nonetheless, the authors recommended that people try drugs and behavioral therapy first. What are they thinking!! The non-drug approaches work better and are far less...

ALLHAT Blood Pressure Recommendations

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The ALLHAT study is the largest study that compares different therapies. They concluded that the most effective and affordable pill was a thiazide diuretic, not the new designer drugs that are highly advertized. Big pharma has a conflict of interest and is only interested in making return on investment.        

Are Dietary Supplements Working for You?

submitted by: admin on 05/17/2015
  People who take dietary supplements tend to believe that this will make them healthier and they they can take more risks with an unhealthy lifestyle because of it. Knowing which supplements and when to use them is a complicated skill. There is no treatment more effective at maintaining good health than a healthy lifestyle. There are many instances...

Are Preventive Drugs Cost Effective?

submitted by: admin on 05/19/2015
Experts published in the British Medical Journal that there's serious doubt that the use of drugs to prevent diseases such as high cholesterol, osteoporosis and osteopenia, and hypertension are cost effective. In the case of Lipitor, it costs approximately $600,000 to prevent a single heart attack and still not save a single life when used for primary prevention....

Artficial Sweeteners

submitted by: admin on 10/26/2015
lArtificial sweeteners have not been proven to help with weight loss. In fact, there is some evidence suggesting the opposite. Most artificial sweeteners have worrisome side effects and some are toxic. Stevia is a safe alternative.            

Blood Pressure Pills

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The goal of Big Pharma is to sell drugs, whether safe or not. It is always advertising new on-patent drugs because they have the greatest potential for profit. The most effective drug for blood pressure control has been around for 50 years, is off-patent, is about $10 per month; it is called hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ). Even HCTZ causes problems that include elevated...

Breast Cancer Risks and Detection

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review factors that increase risk for and methods of screening for breast cancer. They cover mammograms, ultrasounds, manual examination, MRIs, and breast thermography.    

Chelation Therapy, Does it Work? with Ellie Hynote, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
At last there is a long term NIH-funded study to determine whether or not chelation therapy works for people with coronary heart disease. Controversy and political pressure are affecting whether or not the study will be completed.              

Chiropractic Care Superior to Medical Treatment with Physical Therapy

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A recent study conducted by medical professionals outside the chiropractic profession concluded that chiropractic care is more effective for common, work-related, low back pain when compard to treatment by a physical therapist of physician. Overall chiropractic patients had lower medical expenses, fewer disability recurrences, and shorter initial periods of disability....

Common Health Problems that Can Be Solved with Nutrition with Bruce Wapen, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Nutritional medicine can do a lot to help with the common cold that conventional medicine cannot. Early treatment for colds with oral doses of vitamin C of 30-50 grams per day can help. Selenium is also helpful by boosting antioxidant levels. Osteoarthritis is another condition that nutritional medicine helps.    

Cosmetic Dermatology with June Engle, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Sun damage to the skin begin to become obvious at middle age. New and highly effective and safe approaches with lasers are discussed. Many people have an improved outlook on who they are and how they function in life when their appearance is improved.    

Cough and Cold Medications for Children

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
There is little evidence showing that any over the counter cough and cold medications change the course of a cold. Yet there are clear dangers related to them and the FDA is at last looking at this issue. The topic is reviewed.

Creating a Health Care Program that Works

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Appreciation of disciplines other than mainstream medicine broadens the scope of care and deepens the options. Healing Circles are a classic example of integrative health care. There is enough disease to go around, but there are too few solutions. No discipline has solved the epidemic of chronic diseases. Maybe we should work together!          

Diabetic Neuropathy

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  After 10 years 50% of diabetics will have diabetic neuropathy. It is manifested by numbness, loss of balance, and in 25% severe pain. About 15% will develop ulcers that lead to amputations. Mainstream medicine relies on drugs to manage pain, but has nothing for the numbness or loss of awareness of where the feet are. There has been a major breakthrough...

Diuretics: Are They Overused?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Diuretics are used for a number of reasons. They can be lifesaving for some conditions. Thiazide drugs are the best treatment for hypertension, but they have side effects too.      

Do We Need a Covid Vaccine?

submitted by: admin on 04/27/2021
Has the number of cases of Covid 19 deaths been dramatically overestimated? Is there a safe and effective treatment that works in nearly 100% of people who have Covid 19? Do you believe that the Covid 19 vaccine safe and effective? If you answered yes to these three questions do you believe we need to distribute a vaccine an untested  mRNA...

Do Workplace Wellness Programs Work?

submitted by: admin on 11/08/2017
An article published in the January 2014 issue of Health Affairs reported on cost effectiveness of PepsiCo's workplace wellness program and reported that it had no significant value when it came to financial benefit or for cutting absenteeism, quitting smoking, or reducing weight. They went on to state that regular screening for early detection of diseases...

Does Tamiflu Work?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The World Health Organization and the CDC class Tamiflu as an essential drug and many countries have stockpiled the drug at great expense. However, in a recent article in the Public Library of Science, this premise is being challenged. Roche Pharmaceuticals has refused to release the scientific research related to this question. The public is paying...

Fewer Mammograms Needed for Low-Risk Women

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
Less frequent mammograms for wonem at low risk for breast cancer can be a cost effective way of saving lives. Women with no family history of breast cancer, no previous biopsy and breasts that are not dense need far fewer mammograms than women with these risk factors. For women under the age of 50 without these three risk factors, mammograms are not worthwhile....

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