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Consciousness Reasearch with Richard Blasband, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The interface between consciousness and life energy is explored. Average people simply by concentrating can affect random generators. Non-local effects are common. Emotions and powerful events can entrain how random generators spit out random numbers. Intention is central to specific changes in reality.

Healing and Letting Go with Wes Rocki, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Being present requires letting go. For health care practitioners, letting go of their own training tools opens doors for new possibilities from CAM therapies. Letting go disempowers attachment to an outcome and supports a willingness to take a bigger look at one's situation in life. When we are ill we have often become entrained to the effects of our illness.            

Healing Through Intention with Richard Blasband, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Psychic healing has always existed. Dr. Blasband trained with Nicolai Levishov to learn how to use intention for healing both somatic and psychological problems. This system changes the circuitry of the brain through entrainment. Healers effect change in their patients through their relationship with them and by changing aspects of their resonance.              

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