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esophageal cancer

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Bile - Not Acid - Causes Barrett's Esophagus

submitted by: admin on 11/23/2019
A study published in Annals of Surgery in April of 2012 showed that bile, not acid, is the cause for Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer. This finding is especially important because current drug therapies for GERD focus largely on acid control. Drugs that block acid production might actually make the risk for esophageal cancer higher. Research...

Bisphosphonates Linked to Esophageal Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Drugs such as Fosamax and Boniva have now been linked to esophageal cancer. This superimposed on esophageal ulcers, Barrett's esophagus, osteonecrosis of the jaw, atrial fibrillation, and many other "side effects" are reviewed.      

Hiatal Hernia, Barrett's Esophagus, and Esophageal Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Barrett's esophagus develops in people who have bile reflux into the stomach and lower end of the esophagus in the presence of a hiatal hernia. It causes "intestinalization" of the lower end of the esophagus, which is then prone to develop esophageal cancer. However, unless there is dysplasia of the Barrett's esophagus, the risk for...

Hiatal Hernias

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  The anatomy and physiology of a hiatal hernia is described. Its complications are reviewed including pain, strictures, Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer. Mainstream and alternative therapies are described as are their side effects and complications.          

Preview, Hiatal Hernia

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The anatomy and physiology of a hiatal hernia is described. Its complications are reviewed including pain, strictures, Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer. Mainstream and alternative therapies are described as are their side effects and complications.

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