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false positive

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Biennial Mammograms are Sufficient to Screen for Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 11/23/2019
  According to researchers at the University of California Medical Center, and published in the March issue of Internal Medicine, screening for breast cancer every two years is preferrable to yearly screens when doing mammograms. This was based on a study of 900,000 women. It appears that this applies to women from the age of 50-94. Mammograms picked...

False Positive MRIs and Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
needs text and keywords

Fewer Mammograms Needed for Low-Risk Women

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
Less frequent mammograms for wonem at low risk for breast cancer can be a cost effective way of saving lives. Women with no family history of breast cancer, no previous biopsy and breasts that are not dense need far fewer mammograms than women with these risk factors. For women under the age of 50 without these three risk factors, mammograms are not worthwhile....

Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Screening

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is a government organization whose function is to develop guidelines for health screening tests. Guidelines for cervical cancer have been developed and make a lot of sense. Women 21-65 should have a routine Pap smear every three years unless they also had an HPV screen at the same time; in that case every 5 years...

Mammograms: How to Make Them Better

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The FDA believes the more radiologists read mammograms, the more expertise they develop in diagnosing breast cancer. Soon the policy with the FDA my change requiring radiologist to read more mammograms per two years in order to improve their skills because there are too many false positives.  Is there a way to make mammograms better?


submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Mammograms are a poor screening test for premenopausal women. There are too many false positive and negative findings. Breast thermography is the answer. They have not been widely accepted.

Mammography: More Harm than Good?

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
  Screening mammograms could be doing more harm than good according to an article published in the British Medical Journal in December of 2011. The benefits of mammograms were not so apparent because of the risk for overtreatment. Data showed that for every 2000 women taking a mammogram throughout 10 years, one will have her life prolonged, and 10 healthy...

More Harm Than Good in Women Over 70 From Mammograms

submitted by: admin on 04/01/2014
In a paper presented at the European Breast Cancer Conference on March 21, 2014, studies out of the Netherlands concluded that doing mammograms in women from age 70-75 as a screening test did not reduce the incidence of advanced stage breast cancer or save lives. They did report that doing mammograms in this age group led to unnecessary overdiagnosis and overtreatment...

Prostate Cancer Overview

submitted by: admin on 06/30/2016
  The PSA era is over. Modern research has shown that it leads to overdiagnosis and overtreatment and far too many surgeries, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy. Prostate cancer is very common, but only about 2% need to be treated. Preventive measures and environmental toxins are reviewed. The relationship of various hormones is discussed.New tools...

Screening Does Not Reduce Prostate Cancer Deaths

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Screening does not significantly reduce prostate cancer deaths but it does lead to overdetection and overtreatment. The cancer detection rate is 40% higher with testing, but to prevent one death from prostate cancer more than 1400 men would need screening and 48 would be unnecessarily treated. The era of the PSA is over.

Sigmoidoscopy an Option for Colon Cancer Screening

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
The May of 2012 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reports that sigmoidoscopy rather than colonoscopy could be used to screen for colon cancer. A clinical trial of 150,000 people was done where half had sigmoidoscopy and the other have nothing. They were followed over 12 years and over that interval there were 89 fewer cancer deaths and 275 more colon...

The Voice of Reason May 11-15

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2020
  Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and itsbrainwashing hyperbole has left us all wondering what to believe about Covid 19. The Voice of Reason podcasts are intended to provide a commonsense commentary from authors and wellness advocates renown physician Len Saputo, MD and international Qigong Teacher Francesco Garripoli....

Why it is Time to End Routine Mammograms

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2015
In a commentary by Eric Topol, MD, in May of 2015 in WebMD, he stated that there is more harm than good for screening mammography...and Vicki and I agree! He reported that all evidence from 1960-2014 for 10,000 women screened annually for 10 years, there are only 5 deaths. However, there were more than 6100 false positive tests that led to additional imaging...

Why You Should Not Get a Screening Mammogram at Any Age

submitted by: admin on 02/24/2014
The conclusion of a 25 year prospective study published in the British Medical Journal in February of 2014 was that screening mammograms not only do not save lives but also lead to a 22% over-diagnosis that leads to unnecessary testing and treatment in women between the ages of 50 and 69.  After all these years of policy set by governments, research...

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