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A Time for Dying

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Dealing with death and dying is a very important issue. For some this is an overwhelming problem and for others it can be a time to make peace with what is happening. We need to come to terms with our situation and make important decisions about how we're going to deal with many challenging issues. Dying people need help with psychospiritual issues as well...

Alcoholism is a Family Disease with Kay Kopit

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The entire family is involved, especially kids. Life is chaotic,confusing, and painful and not healthy. Love and caring are often missing yet responsibility and caretaking still predominate          

Biennial Mammograms are Sufficient to Screen for Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 11/23/2019
  According to researchers at the University of California Medical Center, and published in the March issue of Internal Medicine, screening for breast cancer every two years is preferrable to yearly screens when doing mammograms. This was based on a study of 900,000 women. It appears that this applies to women from the age of 50-94. Mammograms picked...

Bullying Linked to Family Violence

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Both bullies and their victims are more likely to live with violence at home and are associated with increase likelihood of suicide, substance abuse, and poor academic achievement. Kids don't often have the tools needed to deal with domestic abuse and do the best they can to cope with situations that they are ill-equipped to manage. It is necessary to...

Causes of Eating Disorders

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia) are frequently triggered by traumatic events such as severe grief, relationship problems, or abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) when there is insufficient support from family or friends. Eight million people suffer from these conditions and 20% will die within 20 years, 35% will recover, and the remaining 45% will suffer...

Conscious Nutrition with Geoffrey Marx

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Conscious nutrition relates to the relationship we have with food and includes its growth, harvesting, preparation, and consumption. It is more than about how it is assimilated by the body. It also includes social factors that encourage community.        

Conscious Nutrition with Geoffry Marx

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Food is central to life and conscious nutrition is more than about biochemistry. It also relates to the environment at dinner time. Our culture is built on speed and fast food is a real problem. Appreciation of the soil, environmental impacts, and connections with family are integral factors. We are in relationship with all that there is.            

Containing Health Care Costs

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We spend too much money for what we get back in service, and our health care is rated only 37th in the world. End of life care uses half of all money spent on health care. MDs need to become involved in deciding how money is going to be spent on what. It takes a community of people to make a collaborative decision that is sensible.

Coping With Holiday Stress

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Stress may account for 90% of MD office visits and 2/3 of heart attacks. The role of dysfunctional family behavior is a huge factor that comes into play during the holidays. Chronic stress leads to many preventable health issues.          

Do You Need a Colonoscopy?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki discuss the pros and cons for a routine colonoscopy for colon cancer screening. In asymptomatic people without a family history of cancer, the risks of doing a colonoscopy may exceed the benefits. Bowel perforations and severe GI bleeding are complications in 1 in 200 tests. Other screening tests are reviewed too.        

Family Meals

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Life in the fast track has even influenced eating together for dinner. Kids that eat dinner with their families are less likely to take up bad habits and they eat better food. Training kids when they are young is important.

Fewer Mammograms Needed for Low-Risk Women

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
Less frequent mammograms for wonem at low risk for breast cancer can be a cost effective way of saving lives. Women with no family history of breast cancer, no previous biopsy and breasts that are not dense need far fewer mammograms than women with these risk factors. For women under the age of 50 without these three risk factors, mammograms are not worthwhile....

Happy to 102 with Lily Sarafan

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Care in extended care facilities often leaves much to be desired. It is now possible to provide care for most people until the end of life at home. Assistance with cooking, bathing, dressing etc is available up to 24 hours per day. Quality of life is much improved when seniors stay at home.

How to Support a Dying Family Member

submitted by: admin on 11/06/2013
If we are fortunate to have our parents until they are old, we need to be prepared when the end is in sight. This is an emotional time and not all families agree on what should be done, or even get along very well. So it is a good idea to ask your parent about their end of life wishes while they are able to make these important decisions.  Vicki tells...

Making Choices that Don't Help

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Making bad choices are often conscious. New Year Resolutions and legislation don't work. Education through school programs, family values, and role models are important. DTC and other ads undermine our intelligence.

Over-treatment in the ICU is Common

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  A JAMA survey of almost 2000 doctors and nurses in the ICU in January of 2012 revealed that they believed there is often too much care adminstered to patients. Only occasionally was there insufficient care. Advance directives need to be honored and treatment decisions often require input from multiple sources that include the family, physician, spiritual...

Should Patients Have Access to Their Medical Records?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Most patients want access to their medical records including the doctor's notes according to an article published in the December issue of Annals of Internal Medicine. In this study, called OpenNotes, 37,000 patients and 170 physicians were surveyed. Of the MDs 63 refused to participate and 80% of patients liked the idea of having access to their records....

Solutions for Spousal Abuse

submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
  Spousal abuse is far more common that most of us realize. Actually, abuse is common in most marriages; perhaps that is why 50% of marriages end in divorce, 67% of second marriages end in divorse, and 75% of third marriages end in divorce. It is why marriage couselling is so common! All to often courting leads to both people being on their best...

Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones, but Words...

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  Emotional abuse can be as severe as physical and sexual abuse and any form can lead to severe disabilities later in life. This includes belittling, denigrating, terrorizing, exploiting, emotional unresponsiveness, or corrupting a child in a way that jeopardizes safety and often leads to making the child feel worthless, unloved, or unwanted. This...

The Importance of Family Meals

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
As children get older it may be more challenging to regularly include them in family meals. This is key to heading off eating disorders, obesity, inadequate nutrition. Teens who eat five meals a week with their families are 35% less likely to engage in disordered eating. They are also more likely to be more connected and healthier. Family meals should be...

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