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submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
Both Germany and France have taken Actos off the market because of an increased risk of getting bladder cancer. The US is taking no action. Global sales of Actos are in the vicinity of $5 billion annually. All three "glitazone" drugs for type 2 diabetes have a poor track record. Rezulin was taken off the market more than a decade ago because it caused...
submitted by: admin on 05/25/2021
The policies of the CDC, FDA, and NIH have been sanctified by highly questionable motives of politicians, powerful individuals with nefarious agendas, and a controlled mainstream media. There is clearly another side of the story about the Covid 19 vaccines that has been censored. This has led to a real pandemic, one based on confusion,...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Avastin for breast cancer is controversial because it does not extend life or its quality and it is expensive. It costs $88,000 per year of treatment. There are conflicts of interest for the oncologists who make a profit from the chemotherapies they sell to their patients. Big pharma is insensitive to what this drug actually does; it is primarily interested in...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The FDA does not have sufficient funds to police Big Pharma adequately. In fact, a significant amount of FDA funding comes from the drug industry in the form of fast tracked drug programs. Congress is the culprit.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Whenever a new technology is invented, if it is good it will displace the old. This can have profound economic consequences that are abhorent to business-minded corporations. Conflicts of interest with the FDA are discussed.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Antidepressants in kids are poorly regulated by the FDA even though their safety and effectiveness is debatable. Forrest Labs was caught bribing pediatricians with grants, speaking engagements, dinners, etc. This is the rule rather than the exception. Profit is the bottom line that determines what Big Pharma will do to sell whatever they can.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
It has become common knowledge that the pharmaceutical industry is loyal to its investors as its primary function. The atrocities it has committed are shocking and it is time for the FDA to begin regulating safety to protect the US public.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The FDA published information in Journal Watch in June of 2011 that is packed with presumptive and incorrect information about breast thermography and they have to know it! Breast thermography was approved in 1982 as an adjunct to mammography to evaluate for breast cancer. In 2004 the FDA rejected breast thermography as a stand alone test for breast...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The European "FDA" or European Medicines Agency (EMA) is in the process of opening its drug industry's research to independent researchers so they can test company claims and expose product deficiencies. This will bring long sought after transparency to Big Pharma's research and claims made on their behalf. Both the FDA and...
submitted by: admin on 07/31/2020
Censorship and Covid 19
The level of censorship by the news regarding Covid 19 has become a major problem in the US. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube have become tools for suppression of information that is not mainstream. Freedom of he press has been compromised and freedom of speech is in jeopardy.
Because of conflicts...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Choosing the right probiotic is not an easy task. Few are studied in clinical trials, so it is difficult to know which ones will work best. One product, VSL #3) is considered a medical food by the FDA and has been studied in 80 clinical trials and delivers up to 900 million live microbes with a diverse combination of friendly flora that includes various...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Congress is considering relaxing FDA rules on drug conflicts of interest. The FDA has taken the position that it is very difficult to recruit highly qualified people onto committees that determine whether or not a drug will be approved by the FDA. They say that 23% of FDA Advisory Panels have vacancies and that people who are the most knowledgeable should be...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The cosmetic trade association does cosmetic ingredient reviews. The organization is composed of cosmetic manufacturers and people who they select to review their products for safety issues. The conflict of interest has led to a very poor job and for the most part this industry is not adequately regulated; the fox is guarding the hen house. There are...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
There is little evidence showing that any over the counter cough and cold medications change the course of a cold. Yet there are clear dangers related to them and the FDA is at last looking at this issue. The topic is reviewed.
submitted by: admin on 10/24/2014
Why has Ebola attracted international attention that is freaking out millions of people around the world? Is there an actual pandemic? True enough that there have been more deaths this year than combined since 1976, and that has people worried. However, this is not a pandemic.
Why is the US and WHO so interested in Ebola in West and Central Africa....
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Consumption of dietary trans fats is associated with irritability and aggression according to an article posted in the Public Library of Science Online in April of 2012. Trans fats are never saturated. If they are fully hydrogenated, they are no longer trans fats; they become saturated fat. Natural trans fats made in nature, such as vaccenic acid (found...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business
orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all
countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions
every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on
advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads,