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Balancing Masculine and Feminine with Matthew Fox

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
What makes a "real" man? Digging deep into our own hearts and souls and connecting to universal energy is the pathway. We should worry more about who we are than what we do. Running life from the inside rather than the outer person is where the hidden spirituality lives. The return to wholeness is the journey of the "real" man.

The Sacred Marriage of Masculine and Feminine with Matthew Fox

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  When there is imbalance between masculine and feminine we pay for it. Men are more rewarded for being in a more reptilian state and we are out of balance. Our view of religion as punitive is an expression of this problem.

Vicki's Corner

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Welcome to my corner of!  Vicki's Corner is a place where you can find out tips on personal care and household products that I've found to be healthy and safe... Don't think I'm selling them - that's not what this is about.  After years of being asked by women about these things, I want to offer the result of all...

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