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HMO Medicine, Consequences of Insufficient Time

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We are losing personalized care with HMO medicine. The one size fits all approach, lack of personal continuity, and fragmented care is now what is offered. Medicine is becoming a job rather than a passion.

The Importance of Sleep if You have Cancer

submitted by: admin on 04/23/2014
According to a study published in January of 2014 in the journal Cancer Research, poor sleep accelerates cancer growth, makes cancer cells more aggressive, and weakens immunity. In fact, it is the weakened immunity that leads to increasing the aggressiveness of cancer.  In this study researchers transplanted breast cancer cells into mice and then...

The Importance of the Doctor Patient Relationship

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Drs. Welby and Kildare are now a thing of the past for the most part. Today's fragmented health care has lost the personal relationship between doctor and patient and is oriented to saving money and getting people back on their feet and back to work as quickly as possible. The personal relationship where a healer listens and cares has become "unaffordable"...

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