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Father's Obesity Affects Sperm DNA for Two Generations

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  An article published in FASEB Journal showed that obesity in fathers changed the DNA in their sperm so as to put future generations at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes even if they consumed a healthy diet. This change developed whether or not the obese father had signs of type 2 diabetes or the metabolic syndrome. We've long known that...

FutureShapers Roundtables

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
John Renesch is a social entrepreneur who is launching a new company called Futureshapers, LLC, whose purpose is to shape the future thoughtfully and consciously.        

Healing Circles and the Future of Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
                        I helped coin the term “Health Medicine” in 1992. Health medicine is a new style of healthcare that blends integrative, holistic, person-centered, and preventive perspectives into health care. Its highest expression is the...

Hosting FutureShapers Roundtables

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
John Renesch is a social entrepreneur who is launching a new company called Futureshapers, LLC, whose purpose is to shape the future thoughtfully and consciously. In this video you will learn how to host a FutureShapers Roundtable.              

Reactions to Everyday Stress Predict Future Health

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  It is not stress itself that causes health problems, it is how we react to stress that will determine our health 10 years from now according to the November 2012 issue of Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers at Penn State surveyed 2000 people daily for 8 days regarding the level of stress in their lives and measured their cortisol level....

The Future of Health Medicine with Byron Belitsos

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We don't have reliable scientific research in health care and we desperately need it. The reason for research today is about creating income, social status, or imporance rather than publishing truth and facts. The bulk of research is funded by big pharma, not NIH. The history of research is corrupt and biased. The collusion between FDA, Congress, big pharma and...

Tranquility Manages Fear

submitted by: admin on 09/01/2020
The Covid 19 plandemic and Black Lives Matter Marches have created widespread fear and panic to America. Our insecurity and lack of trust in what we're seeing on TV and on the Internet has challenged our sanity. There are signs that we are awakening to the fact that it is time to awaken and take responsibility and defend the USA! We have...

What Does the Future and 2012 Hold for Humanity with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
According to ancient wisdom based on healing practices such as Qigong, when we worry about the future, we give away our Qi (chi). We live in an abundant universe and we have access to all of it at every moment. Embracing that we are Qi energy puts us in touch with the Universe. Many indigenous calendars, such as the Mayan one pointing to 2012, show that we're...

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