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Essential Oils and Energy Healing with Elizabeth Anne Jones, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Essential oils have a powerful impact on energetic healing. Kirlian photography shows how the human aura changes in the presence of different oils and has an impact on the energy of our chakras. Examples of the effects of essential oils on chakras is described. Smell, emotion, and memory are stored in the hippocampus and are available through essential oils.             

Is Automatic Writing for Real?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Psychography, or automatic writing, is when the spirits of dead people write through the hand of a medium. Studies on experienced and newbee psychography practitioners using SPECT scans showed that there was less brain activity in the experienced vs those less experienced in the frontal lobes, which is where we problem solve. Clearly, there is different...

Preview Alzheimer's Disease

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  Alzheimer's disease is defined, its many memory loss and mood related symptoms described, and treatment reviewed. The role of drugs, nutrition, exercise, mental activity for Alzheimer sufferers, and challenges are revealed. The biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology are explained in simple language in this audio-only recording on many aspects of...

Why Poorer Children Tend to be Less Intelligent

submitted by: admin on 11/12/2013
Research out of Washington University School of Medicine that was published in the journal Pediatrics in October of 2013 looked at the effect of poverty on the brain development of 145 kids using MRIs. They did a study measuring the stress level of a mother and her child and then correlated this with MRI changes that revealed less white and gray matter in...

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