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Drug Reps Do Not Inform MDs About Dangerous Drug Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  An article published in the April issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine documented that drug reps fail to inform MDs about dangerous side effects in 59% of cases. Yet these MDs still reported that they we still likely to prescribe these drugs. This is against the law as well as immoral, but there is no resource to monitor what happens in...

HIV and Insurance Rescission

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Health insurance companies outright cheat many people who develop chronic disease that will cost a lot of money to treat them. Historically, with newly found breast cancer are simply denied further insurance once their diagnosis is made. This is know as recission, and it is illegal, but they do it anyway and usually get away with it because these individuals...

The Off Label Usage of Drugs

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
FDA approved drugs can be legally used for any purpose physicians choose. It is illegal for drug companies to promote off-label uses, but the law has not stopped them. FDA regulations need to be enforced.

What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana

submitted by: admin on 04/18/2015
  A study of 19 patients in a convalescent hospital in Israel using medical marijuana showed that it is helpful  to improve appetite, ease pain, reduce tremors, improve mood, concentration, communication skills, and improve sleep. Permits for medical cannabis in Israel increased from 400 in 2009 to 11,000 now. Cannabis has been used for 2000...

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