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submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
In a field plagued by frequent controversy, the American Cancer Society (ACS) claims to have taken a major step forward to provide transparency in how justified it is in recommending cancer screening tests. It blames oncologists with a conflict of interest...what would you expect from an organization that depends on income from big pharma and the mammography...
submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
A Harvard study that was published in the October issue of the NEJM, documented that Americans are considerably less trusting of the medical profession compared to people in most other industrialized countries. Low income Americans are the worst hit and are three times less likely to skip doctor visits, fill prescriptions, or obtain tests, treatment, and follow...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Lifestyle is the key to cancer prevention. Smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, exposure to toxins, stress, and lack of sleep are very important factors in causing cancer. Fast food is nutrient poor and calorie dense and are loaded with toxins. Detoxification is very important to keep immunity strong.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
True health care reform will never make it to the table when the insurance industry and Big Pharma continue to pour billions of dollars into stopping Congress from addressing this issue. What we will see is a minimum of insurance reform.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Lobbyists from Big Pharma and the insurance industry spent $500 million trying to bribe congress to limit health care reform. It worked. We must understand this a take action to stop the process.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Congress is considering relaxing FDA rules on drug conflicts of interest. The FDA has taken the position that it is very difficult to recruit highly qualified people onto committees that determine whether or not a drug will be approved by the FDA. They say that 23% of FDA Advisory Panels have vacancies and that people who are the most knowledgeable should be...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The cosmetic trade association does cosmetic ingredient reviews. The organization is composed of cosmetic manufacturers and people who they select to review their products for safety issues. The conflict of interest has led to a very poor job and for the most part this industry is not adequately regulated; the fox is guarding the hen house. There are...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Between 30 and 50% of new breast cancer diagnoses are found on mammography screenings and are classified as ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS. Most of these "cancers" are not cancer at all. In fact about 97% are benign lesions that can be followed over time quite safely. Most cases of DCIS would be better off under-diagnosed and under-treated.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The demise of the US auto industry in large part was related to unaffordable health care costs. GM has been referred to as an insurance company that makes cars! US health care costs are double most industrialized countries.
submitted by: admin on 02/17/2015
There is considerable confusion about the role of mammograms in breast cancer detection in premenopausal women. The US is the only country in the world making the recommendation that they be done on women under the age of 50. The people standing to profit from doing mammograms in this age group are the mammogram industry, Big Pharma in the sale of chemotherapy,...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
According to an article in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, presentations at the American Psychiatric Association only include research that is supports drugs studied in research. Of 278 studies presented over the past 2 years, 195 were supported by big pharma and 83 from other sources. Among those funded by the industry, none presented showed a negative...
submitted by: admin on 04/01/2014
In a paper presented at the European Breast Cancer Conference on March 21, 2014, studies out of the Netherlands concluded that doing mammograms in women from age 70-75 as a screening test did not reduce the incidence of advanced stage breast cancer or save lives. They did report that doing mammograms in this age group led to unnecessary overdiagnosis and overtreatment...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
While physicians realize medical industry funding of continuing medical education credits leads to bias, they continue to prefer this to paying higher fees for independent educational events. Big Pharma and device companies sponsor 60% of the billion dollar CME industry! This shows a serious lack of concern on the part of MDs in obtaining information...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The Public Library of Science no longer will publish information funded by the tobacco industry because they have only one sell tobacco. They believe their "scientific" papers are marred by conflicts of interest.
submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
According to a Stanford University study published in Annals of Internal Medicine in August of 2012, There isn't much difference between organic and conventional food. They "did not find strong evidence" that organic foods are more nutritious or carry fewer health risks than conventional alternatives. They found little consistent difference...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
US health care performance is much worse than most countries; we're ranked by the WHO number 37 in the world in overall quality of health care. We spend nearly twice of any other country and yet our effectiveness is a disaster. When business trumps service, this is what happens. Universal health care is good for health care but not good for business...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We're bombarded with messages that there's something wrong with us. Aging adds to the list! There's a huge industry that feeds on this. Personality and soul are better measures of self worth. Beauty is in the mind too.