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infant formula

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Essential Fatty Acids Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are absolutely necessary for life. Sources are from fish, fish oil, krill, flax and oils from other seeds, nuts, and plants. There is an epidemic of essential fatty acid deficiencies in the US. Infant formulas have been deficient in EFAs; we can add fish oil and evening primrose oil to it. EFAs thin blood, prevent rhythm...

Fatty Acids: What You Need to Know

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are absolutely necessary for life. Sources are from fish, fish oil, flax and oils from other seeds, nuts, and plants. There is an epidemic of essential fatty acid deficiencies in the US. Infant formulas have been deficient in EFAs; we can add fish oil and evening primrose oil to it. EFAs thin blood, prevent rhythm disturbances,...

Infant Brains Benefit from Breastfeeding

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  The benefits of breastfeeding compared to infant formula was studied in 133 babies from 10 months to 4 years of age. Those fed with breast milk had much better brain development than those fed formula according to a June 2013 issue of the journal Neuroimage. There was a 20-30% greater development in language skills, emotional function, and cognition...

Is infant formula safe?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Infant formula will never come remotely close to providing the nutrients found in human breast milk. Formula has the wrong fats, sugars, and proteins and is missing most nutrients found in mother's milk. Sixty percent of the calories derived from mother's milk is from fat. It is critical that mothers to be eat a healthy diet starting about...

Preview: Essential Fatty Acids Overview

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are absolutely necessary for life. Sources are from fish, fish oil, flax and oils from other seeds, nuts, and plants. There is an epidemic of essential fatty acid deficiencies in the US. Infant formulas have been deficient in EFAs; we can add fish oil and evening primrose oil to it. EFAs thin blood, prevent rhythm disturbances, reduce...

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