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Addiction of Teens to the Internet

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Internet addiction and aggression have been linked as an association. There are withdrawal symptoms when the Internet is withheld. Social Internet communities are now common and texting, Facebook, etc, are replacing real time relationships.              

Choosing the Right Treatment

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Choosing the right treatment when you're challenged by serious illness is often not easy. We tend to trust our physician because we don't know medicine, but how do you know that your doctor knows enough to make the best decision? It points out the importance of getting opinions from more than one health care practitioner and from doing research on the...

Counterfit Drugs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Counterfit drugs are a $35 billion dollar a year business. 10-15% of drugs sold in pharmacies are counterfit! Canadian sales and Internet sales are popular because of discounted prices.          

Cyber Bullying

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Cyber bullying is different from regular bullying and they have more profound effects on the victim too. The real issue is to explore the reasons for why kids bully. Bullying is a reflection of deeper issues. Perhaps school psychologists can help.

Do You Trust Your Doctor?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Ideally there should be a partnership between patients and doctors and the Internet has empowered patients to participate more so in their care. The authoritarian role of the MD is changing. HMO medicine is discussed.        

Doctor Saputo Radio - archive

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki, as she is so affectionately known, have been providing cutting edge mainstream and complementary and alternative health information for their audience for more than a decade. Their Prescriptions for Health call in talk show airs on on the first and third Friday morning and their Fastrack Edition of Prescriptions for Health every...

How Oncologists Let Their Patients Down

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
There is a turf war between mainstream oncologists and CAM doctors that leads to an adversarial and competitive stance that is not in the patient's best interest. There is enough cancer around, but there aren't enough cures! Integrative oncology is sadly needed, but greed has gotten in the way of working together for the best interest of the patient....

Just Do What is Right

submitted by: admin on 02/02/2021
America is split when it comes to taking the Covid 19 "vaccine". It is impossible to get both sides of this story because of Big Tech's anti-American censorship of the Internet and mainstream television. The promise of this experimental biological agent to stop the spread of the disease and prevent deaths from it is far from proven. We are involved...

Should Patients Have Access to Their Medical Records?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Most patients want access to their medical records including the doctor's notes according to an article published in the December issue of Annals of Internal Medicine. In this study, called OpenNotes, 37,000 patients and 170 physicians were surveyed. Of the MDs 63 refused to participate and 80% of patients liked the idea of having access to their records....

Tranquility Manages Fear

submitted by: admin on 09/01/2020
The Covid 19 plandemic and Black Lives Matter Marches have created widespread fear and panic to America. Our insecurity and lack of trust in what we're seeing on TV and on the Internet has challenged our sanity. There are signs that we are awakening to the fact that it is time to awaken and take responsibility and defend the USA! We have...

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