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Hospital Infections

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The incidence of hospital acquired infections is on the rise. Hospital staff are not taking responsibility for washing hands or changing clothing, because they are too much in a hurry. 90,000 deaths occur annually from this cause.

Just Do What is Right

submitted by: admin on 02/02/2021
America is split when it comes to taking the Covid 19 "vaccine". It is impossible to get both sides of this story because of Big Tech's anti-American censorship of the Internet and mainstream television. The promise of this experimental biological agent to stop the spread of the disease and prevent deaths from it is far from proven. We are involved...

Lack of Hand Washing in Hospitals Can Be Fatal

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
It is easy to forget about washing hands when we're busy, but the consequences of failing to do this lead to many deaths, cost, and morbidity. Good isolation practices need to be enforced. About 5% of hospitalized people come out of the hospital with an acquired infection.      

NSAIDs Lethal in Heart Attack Survivors

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  An article in Circulation posted in September of 2012 showed that NSAIDs after a heart attack cause a 60% increase in mortality and 40% increase in risk for heart attack. They also increase the risk for heart attack in people without a history of heart attack. It is shocking that the FDA allows them as prescription medication and even more outrageous...

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