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submitted by: admin on 06/20/2018
Over the past decade there has been a 10 fold increase of the number of retractions and only a 44% increase in journal articles. Some retractions are from errors but many are from misconduct. At the heart of the problem is an economic incentive that fuels a hypercompetitive environment that fosters misconduct, sensationalism, and attempting to publish in high...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The FDA published information in Journal Watch in June of 2011 that is packed with presumptive and incorrect information about breast thermography and they have to know it! Breast thermography was approved in 1982 as an adjunct to mammography to evaluate for breast cancer. In 2004 the FDA rejected breast thermography as a stand alone test for breast...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
An old osteoporosis drug, Aredia, may be effective in killing a range of influenza viruses that include the swine and bird flu. In the June 2011 issue of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, researchers showed that Aredia stimulated gamma-delta T-cells to reproduce and also kill influenza viruses. Rather than killling the virus directly, it does so through the...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Medical journals are not as scientific as you'd hope. Profit confounds service and journals are a business. Conflicts of interest result in publication of low quality articles for economic or political reasons.
submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Good research is often misrepresented by Big Pharma writers who skew the data to support positive outcomes. They hire ghost writers for this specific purpose. The business of Big Pharma takes precedence over integrity & service.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
The American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine is now here but only has a few hundred of the 700,000 MDs supporting it. We must shift from disease oriented medicine to wellness and prevention. This is discussed.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Less than half the claims in ads from top ENT journals are backed by data referenced by the advertiser. The problem is that MDs are swayed by these same ads. A few reputable journals have banned ads, but most have not. Income from journals comes from both subscriptions and from advertisers. Big Pharm knows that for every dollar they spend on an...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
We pay for the National Institute of Health's research with our tax dollars. Yet we pay again to get the information from medical journals. Medical journals have become a business first and service when possible.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
In order to validate research, it is necessary to look into who is funding the research as well as who is doing it. When a pharmaceutical company funds a research project, they want to make that drug look like a new wonder drug and they their primary concern is not whether it is effective or that it has side effects. They have very limited ethics. They are looking...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The Public Library of Science no longer will publish information funded by the tobacco industry because they have only one sell tobacco. They believe their "scientific" papers are marred by conflicts of interest.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Hour One: 20:20 tips "When and why to drink water" and "Let's label Genetically Modified food"Topics this hour:
Turmeric for cancer
Celebrex is toxic, but may be helpful for colon cancer
Insulin Potentiated Therapy with Chemo (gets rid of sugar that cancer cells like)
Sugar sweetened drinks increase blood pressure and affect brain...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Our taxes pay for NIH's research, so what is published is really our property. Why then should we have to pay for access to this information. The conflicts of interest between medical journals and NIH are discussed.
submitted by: admin on 06/06/2020
The Hydroxychloroquine Scandal
Dr. Len shares the scandal originally published by Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, and The Guardian, on the hydroxychloroquine articles published in the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine on May 22, 2020. These "prestigious" medical journals published articles with data on 96,000 patients hospitalized from...