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2010: A Good Year for Radical Health-Care Reform

submitted by: admin on 11/21/2013
                  " A Return to Healthing" Blog:  Fri, 01/29/2010 - 14:35 — BBelitsos By Dr. Len Saputo When Barack Obama became president-elect of the United States, most of us felt a sense of hope we hadn't experienced in years. We trusted that...

Alternative Health Care Legislation

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
MDs are now protected from Medical Board persecution by California State Law so long as there is no harm to patients and mainstream treatments are not with-held.          

Alternative Medicine

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Naturopaths were licensed and SB1691 passed in 2004 that gave physicians protection against trying CAM therapies so long as they don't dissuade patients from mainstream therapies and that they cause no harm; major steps forward.          

California Citizens for Health Freedom

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Frank Cuny is the founder, president, and executive director of California Citizens for Health Freedom (CCFHF), a 501 (c) 4 non-profit organization. John Toth, MD, the chairman of the board of CCFHF, was interviewed about the mission and goals of the organization. Considerable legislation has already been spearheaded by CCFHF with regard to licensing naturopaths...

Laws to Regulate Trans Fat and Calories in Food

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
NY is leading the way in regulating food, especially trans fats and in disclosing calories in food. The real danger in our diet is sugar, and this is discussed with respect to insulin. We need laws to restrict simple sugars.

Making Choices that Don't Help

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Making bad choices are often conscious. New Year Resolutions and legislation don't work. Education through school programs, family values, and role models are important. DTC and other ads undermine our intelligence.

Medical Freedom: We Need it Now

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical freedom is not a constitutional right. Should citizens have the right to determine their own medical choices?        

Should Calorie Counts Be Posted on Restaurant Menus

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
When calorie counts are posted we tend to consume fewer calories. Legislation passed in NY and should be in California soon to require posting. Super-size me has become the norm and we must stop this.

Trans Fats: What do they do?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Trans fats are dangerous. They increase inflammation in healthy people. Markers for inflammation such as TNF-alpha, interluken 10 and 1 beta all go up with consumption of trans fats. There is legislation is pending that will decrease their availability

War on Street Drugs

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We spend far too much money trying to punish for using or promoting illegal drugs. Legislation has not worked. It would be smarter to legalize drugs as this would at least cut out the middle people who are making a lot of money.

What You Can Do to Allow Your Doctor to Treat Cancer Integratively

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  It is a felony in the State of California for an MD to treat cancer with anything except surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Yet, legislation was passed in 2004 making it legal for MDs to use any complementary and alternative therapy (CAM) so long as they do not try to dissuade patients from mainstream therapies and they do no harm. We need...

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