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Abused Kids Have Long Term Resistant Depression

submitted by: admin on 06/20/2018
Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse occur in 10-25% of kids and often leads to PTSD that is long term and resistant to treatment. Balancing neurotransmitters is treating symptoms not the cause. The best treatment addresses the underlying cause and often involves both psychotherapy and somatic psychotherapy.                

Beyond Chiropractic with Mitchell Corwin, DC

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Applied kinesiology was born within the chiropractic profession. It is a methodology to evaluate and treat neurological disorders within the central nervous system. It involves muscle testing like a biofeedback tool that allows the practitioner to find out what is happening in the nervous system. Muscle testing is allows investigation to find the root cause of...

Both Diet and Exercise are Helpful in Weight Loss Programs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Both exercise and dieting are helpful in weight loss programs. Being thin is insufficient in maintaining good health; exercise is also necessary. Fitness is still possible for people who are overweight. Even relatively thin people who do not exercise can have a high percentage of body fat.      

Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects Last for Years

submitted by: admin on 06/26/2016
More than 60% of breast cancer survivors report at least one treatment related complication even 6 years after their treatment. Thirty percent are dealing with two issues such as lymphedema, skin reactions to radiation, upper pody symptoms and functional limitations, weight gain, fatigue, and peripheral neuropathy from chemotherapy. Fragmented care leads...

Brisk Walking Helps Prostate Cancer

submitted by: admin on 02/17/2015
Men with prostate cancer that is localized to the prostate can improve their outcomes if they walk briskly for at least 3 hours a week. This high-intensity exercise delayed and possibly even prevented the progression of their disease as they were found to have a 57% lower rate of progression of disease than men walking at a slower pace. They also found that brisk...

Can Essential Oils Help Lower Blood Pressure?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  According to an article in the December 2012 issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology short term (less than one hour) exposure to bergamot essential oil lowered blood pressure and heart rate by 2 mm of mercury systolic and heart rate by 1.7 beats per minute. This is minimal but significant. Prolonged exposure (more than one hour) led...

Coming to Terms with Shame and Aggression with Matthew Fox

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The hidden spirituality of men highlights the ten archetypes that describe how they operate in life. Ostracizing is the origin of shame, of not belonging. The ways we are not part of community is reviewed. Wholeness has been the way of our ancestors. Aggression is also something we have inheirited; we need to deal with this and use it wisely.

Community Coaching with Meg Jordan, PhD, RN

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Community coaching is about being culturally competent; they help us understand and respect other peoples' beliefs and standards. Integrative wellness coaching is a central part of wellness. Learning how to be an ally though social belonging and meaning a purpose of integrative wellness coaching. Healing circles are reviewed.

Digestion, the Key to Longevity with Ellen Cutler, MD, DC

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The digestive tract is the key to health and vitality. Food allergies are very common and they are generally resolved by digestive enzymes; the mechanism is described. Without nutrients we don't have the raw materials to build the products the body needs. The immune system is intimately related to digestive problems and cause autoimmunity.        

Does Aspirin Save Lives?

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
Despite a lot of excitement about aspirin, scientists can't seem to agree on whether it helps healthy people live longer and suffer from fewer heart attacks and strokes. Published studies in the mainstream medical journals on the same nine studies included in a metaanalysis differ. The study published by the Bayer Aspirin people showed a benefit. The study...

Eating Fruits and Vegetables Linked to Longer Life

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  A Swedish study published in July of 2013 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on 71,000 people aged 45-83 followed for 13 years showed that people who eat no fruit of vegetables die about 3 years sooner. People eating even one serving fruits and veggies lived 19 months longer.  People eating less fruit and veggies were more likely...

Exercise: Does it Prevent and Treat Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Recent studies show that exercise both reduces the incidence of breast cancer and also extends life if you have it. The possible mechanisms of action are discussed.          

Faith and Your Health

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Having faith increases quality of life and longevity by 2-3 years in some studies. Studies on intercessory prayer also suggest benefit, but others show the opposite. Whatever the case may be, it also makes sense that we take as much responsibility for our own health as we can. Imagery has a profound effect on our biochemistry and physiology.            

Food, Longevity, and the Anti-aging Diet with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Is there a medicine or drug, anywhere, that has ever been invented, that does what lifestyle does to maintain wellness and restore health?  Dr. Kunin's answer:  Anything that can be treated by nutrition should not be treated by any other means. Of course, he's stealing a line from Maimonides! Lifestyle is the most powerful medicine in the universe,...

Genetically Engineered Food: What You Need to Know

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Genetically engineered food and animals are now widespread in supermarkets. The safety is untested and we're conducting a global experiment. Novel changes by modifying genes has advantages but also consequences too. It also has potential impacts on the environment and its ecosystems.          

Good Relationships are Important for Health and Healing

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
What is the point of having perfect functionality and not knowing what our purpose is. We forget too often that relationships are the most important purpose we have in life. Scientific studies show that elderly people are far healthier if they are engaged in something that helps other people. Of course, this works for people of all ages.

Happy Seniors Live Longer

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
A study from the UK published in October of 2012 on 10,000 people over the age of 50 showed that seniors who enjoy life live longer. Over 9 years they found that 20% died, but only 10% of those who had an "inner smile" and nearly 30% died who did not. Factors that influenced this outcome were psychological wellbeing, social isolation, wealth, living...

Health Crisis in America

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We don't even address health, we focus on disease. By examining cultures with longevity and good health teaches us that living a healthy lifestyle is the key. We have fundamentally undermined a healthy lifestyle and are now sick.

How MDs Balance Work and Home Lives

submitted by: admin on 10/04/2013
An article published in the August 2013 issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine reviewed 7200 MDs and 900 of their partners and found that there was more burnout and depresssion and more work-home conflicts in MDs working longer hours, are younger, are female, and who hold academic positions at teaching medical centers.  Medical training...

Importance of Exercise for the Elderly

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Exercise is especially critical in the elderly. As we lose our youth it becomes easier to lose our strength and fitness and it takes longer to get our fitness better. Walking 3 days a week does a lot to support healthy aging, better mood, and mental acuity. Exercise allows the body and mind to adapt and do more work with less energy.

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