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submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Use of proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex and others were associated with a 320% increase in C. diff enterocolitis after just 30 days of treatment. PPIs block the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and B12 and increase the risk for osteoporosis, senile dementia, and cardiac rhythm disturbances as well.
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Aaron Mattis created this style of active vs static stretching. Static stretching actually decreases blood flow. Stride, strength, agility, and ability to change direction quickly are improved immensely, as is elasticity.
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Longterm exposure to polluted air, even within accepted federal levels, leads to heart attacks. Particles less than 2.5 microns from power plants and car exhaust, are the culprits.
submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
A Harvard study that was published in the October issue of the NEJM, documented that Americans are considerably less trusting of the medical profession compared to people in most other industrialized countries. Low income Americans are the worst hit and are three times less likely to skip doctor visits, fill prescriptions, or obtain tests, treatment, and follow...
submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
In an editorial published in, Sayer Ji reviewed an article published in the July 2014 issue of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology on the effects of 10 mg of Lipitor after 5 months of treatment in 17 normal men with normal cholesterol values. They found major abnormalities in both sperm morphology and function as well as in the seminal...
submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
This ancient system of using essential oils is powerful and effective in fighting infections, boosting immunity, relaxing our bodies, and stimulating our minds. There are many practical applications such as Bach Flower Remedies that can be used.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The key to effective visualization is to start with where you are and move with it. Denial is not the way to go; you have to begin with the truth. Use the present progressive tense to create change. Following the breath is what is real and happening in the moment.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Big pharma whistle blowers do not do so for monetary reasons. However, they often find it difficult to remain employed or find new work. They are punished and often go through divorces, loss of job, loss of friends, and financial ruin.
submitted by: admin on 09/28/2018
According to a press release published in Eurekalert in April of 2015, researchers from the Boston VA hospital are studying the effects of infrared and red light on veterans with Gulf War Syndrome. They documented with MRI studies that LED therapy increased blood flow and ATP production in the mitochondria of brain cells. Previous studies published in the June...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Candida is a controversial condition that is generally not recognized in mainstream medicine but often highlighted in alterntive medicine. An overgrowth of candida albicans is the culprit and associated symptoms can involve any organ system in the body and cause an enormous range of symptoms. By eradicating candida with antifungal agents and a diet...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
How information is presented to a patient has a lot to do with what choices they make for treatment of carotid artery lesions. When subjects were given descriptively rather than statistically, they tended to choose surgical remedies. There are many screens for arteriosclerosis that lead to more surgical business. In asymptomatic patients the carotid ultrasound...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism in September of 2012 showed that people with gout who ate cherries for two days had a 35% lower risk for developing acute gout compared to those not eating cherries. When consumed while on allopurinol the risk was lowered 75%. Cherry products lower uric acid, which is the end waste product of purine metabolism....
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A recent study conducted by medical professionals outside the chiropractic profession concluded that chiropractic care is more effective for common, work-related, low back pain when compard to treatment by a physical therapist of physician. Overall chiropractic patients had lower medical expenses, fewer disability recurrences, and shorter initial periods of disability....
submitted by: admin on 08/14/2017
Cholesterol is related to but not the direct cause of arteriosclerosis, heart disease, or strokes. We cannot live without cholesterol; we must have it to make cell membranes, vitamin D, many hormones, many neurotransmitters, and bile salts. Yet it is related to heart disease.
In general, the higher the cholesterol the worse the risk for heart disease....
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The best care combines the brilliance of hi-tech mainstream medicine with the low-tech of ancient indigenous healing systems. Never before have we had this opportunity. There is enough disease to go around but not enough solutions.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We live in an epidemic of nutritional deficiency and concentrated nutrition is one way to boost nutrition. The Amazon has the most concentrated life energy on the planet and can help improve nutrition.
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Congestive heart failure develops if there is sufficient death of heart muscle (myocardial infarction) and subsequent inability of the remaining normal heart tissue to pump enough blood to the body. Tissues that die obviously cannot contract, but there are also areas around the infarction, called the peri-infacrtion area, that are in shock and may not be...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Research continues to show just how important it is for pregnant women to eat a healthy diet and live a healthy lifestyle. An article in the journal "Brain Research" states: Nutritionally deprived newborns and fetuses have less neurons in the region of the brain that controls food intake. Because of the lack of neurons these babies are programmed...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Crestor has a six times higher incidence of rhabdomyolysis than other statins. This can lead to muscle soreness, muscle pain, and even release of enough myoglobin that it can result in kidney failure. Other complications of statins include liver disease, peripheral neuropathy, global amnesia, and low co-enzyme Q10 levels.
submitted by: admin on 10/24/2014
Why has Ebola attracted international attention that is freaking out millions of people around the world? Is there an actual pandemic? True enough that there have been more deaths this year than combined since 1976, and that has people worried. However, this is not a pandemic.
Why is the US and WHO so interested in Ebola in West and Central Africa....