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Amazon Herbs with John Easterling

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Herbs in the Amazon are grown in the richest soils in the planet. Malnutrition is widespread and leads to poor cell function. US lifestyle is so challenged that we especially need excellent nutrition. There are many herbs that revitalize the human body that Amazon John reviews.                

Healthy Nutrition with Dr. Richard Kunin Part 1

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Dr. Richard Kunin practices in San Francisco, CA.  He also teaches nutrition classes.  Dr. Kunin believes that with the cost of a doctor visits being so high, and that often to it takes several visits to the doctor before treatment even begins.  Dr. Kunin's class teaches healthy nutrition and makes more sense economically.  Instead of...

How to Get More Veggies into Kids' Meals

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Kids often don't eat a healthy diet. They particularly don't get the 7+ servings of fruits and veggies they need every day. It is possible to puree these foods and slip them into other foods such as meat loaf, mac and cheese, and casseroles. This was done in public schools and the kids could not tell the difference, but they ate fewer calories and far...

What Is Health Medicine with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
This is a great audio for those who want a better understanding about what Health Medicine is and how it differs from conventional medicine. Dr. Kunin takes the practice of medicine to a whole new level where he looks at the understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of an illness rather than just trying to suppress symptoms.  Dr. Len and Dr. Kunin...

What is Health Medicine?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
This is a great video for those who want a better understanding about what Health Medicine is and how it differs from conventional medicine. Dr. Kunin takes the practice of medicine to a whole new level where he looks at the understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of an illness rather than just trying to suppress symptoms.  Dr. Len and Dr. Kunin...

Why You and Your Family are Likely Malnourished

submitted by: admin on 11/06/2014
There have been several USDA studies published as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys over the pasts 50 years and all of them demonstrate widespread nutritional deficiencies in the US. Our food is calorie dense, but nutritionally deficient in a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that include vitamins A, C, and D and minerals such...

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