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Collaborative Medicine with Martin Rossman, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Working together in collaboration with the patient as a partner is important in making the best decisions for treatment. Both doctor and patient must listen to one another and have a team relationship. Healing is more than treating diseases; it is about treating human beings with illnesses. Medicines are important, but only one aspect of getting well. It is more...

Exercise Makes You Smarter

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
A study done at the Montreal Heart Institute in October of 2012 showed that high intensity interval training made overweight and inactive people aged 49 years old healthier and also smarter! Scientists set up a program lasting 4 months where people exercised twice weekly with interval training and twice weekly with resistance training. They measured cognitive...

Fighting Cancer From Within with Martin Rossman, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Dr. Rossman presents a convincing argument that what we think profoundly affects our biochemistry and physiology and has amazing effects on our ability to heal. Imagery is the natural language of the unconscious mind. It is the language of the emotions, memory, and dreams and is the way we put the world together in our minds. Dr. Rossman gives many examples of...

Food and Addiction with Francesco Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Addiction is common and food is a very common addiction. When we are removed from their natural environment it leads to problems. Sugar and high fructose corn fructose are classic examples of how a natural environment is affected by change. We tend to put blame outside of ourselves, this is what victimization is.              

Guided Imagery for Natural Healing with Martin Rossman

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Knowing how to use your mind to achieve relaxation is the easiest way to relax. Dr. Rossman teaches techniques that work to relax. Imagery changes the biochemistry and physiology of the body.                

Imagination and Stress with Martin Rossman, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Human imagination is the strongest force on earth aside from God or nature. It makes us the most creative force on earth. Planning ahead is a good quality, but too much allows us to imagine dangers that may never happen. Habitual worriers can shift their thinking through meditative practice.              

Integrative Medicine with Martin Rossman, MD.

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
As a pioneer in Integrative medicine, Dr. Rossman defines what it is, describes how it works, and why we must use it in health care today. We will do much better in helping people recover from illness by working together.        

Mind Body Healing: What is it? With Martin Rossman, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Dr. Rossman explains what mind body means, how it works, and why we need to know about it. The difference between curing and healing is discussed and the importance of holism reviewed.          

Personal Responsibility in Healing with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Personal responsibility is freedom. Expressing our self power though our thoughts and actions and how we breathe are critical. The body and mind are inseparable and affect one another constantly. Qigong maximizes a healthy bodymind. Being in the zone of the present time facilitates our self power.  For more information on Qigong, please click here          

Physician Training with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
People go to medical school because they want to help people. Their training changes their personalities and directs them to become detached scientists. Yet the key aspects of healing have to do with the heart connection with people.          

Stress, Coping, Illness, and Health with Martin Rossman, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/29/2017
It is important to look at the underlying causes for disease rather than treat symptoms with drugs that suppress symptoms. Most of what we see in medical practice is related to disease. Who is this person, what is their history, how do they manage their lives and how do they cope with stress are critical questions that should be part of our inquiry.                      

Tai Chi Qigong and Gene Expression with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
DNA is not immutable and how we live our lives affects its very structure. Bioenergetics affect us in every way; we are enegy bodies. When fear takes control it takes us outside of our body and we become disempowered. Thinking, meditation, qigong, tai chi change our structure at the deepest level.  For more information on Tai Chi and Qigong, please click...

Taking Charge of Your Life with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Personal empowerment is all about taking charge of our lives, yet "taking charge" is not really about taking control.  Many times it's about letting go, releasing ourselves of the impossible task to control everything.  At the core of this process is trust.  To build that trust is to learn about where our real power lies.  This...

Taking Charge of Your Life with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
If we are going to evolve as a healthy community, it is necessary to start from the grass roots level to be the change you want to see. Social transformation that works must be the way of the peaceful warrior and be an evolutionary process rather than a revolutionary process. Francesco shares the thinking and tools we need to build a healthy community. Francesco...

The Art of Medicine with Martin Rossman, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Physicians get so technical and so scientific in medicine that they think of medicine as a pure science.  In actuality, medicine is more art than science.  During their medical training physicians are taught that medicine is a science.  They are taught to be scientists, to be objective, and to not get connected to their patients.  For Dr....

The Meaning of Community with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Aboriginal thought of self is that we are part of our community. The "bigger than me" includes everything and everything I do to the planet I do to me. We must redefine our self as community. It includes as food, water, air, soil and all that there is.  As society moves more and more away from nature, we lose our sense of interconnectedness. ...

The Meaning of Illness with Martin Rossman, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Illness is more than physical disability and emotional challenge. In its deepest sense it provides the opportunity to move forward on our spiritual path. Balancing these ends of a spectrum is challenging in today's medicine. Fixing symptoms is important; it is why most of us go to health care practitioners. However, healing is a much deeper concept that has...

The Meaning of Time with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
All we have is the present moment. Time is created by our perception and it is a critical factor in healing. We can only be in one place at a time and by being present, we can embrace, understand and manage pain. Reality is constantly appearing and disappearing - modern physics is proving this scientifically. Our perception of an experiement effects its outcome....

The Power of Chi (Qi) with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Chi (Qi) is something that does not exist in this dimension. The quantum physicists are beginning to understand aspects of Qi as their current research is concurring with what the ancient sages in China and elsewhere have always held to be true. Qi is what we work with in health and healing practices such as Qigong (chi gung) and tai chi is the energy, the force...

The Power of Love and Attitude with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
When we look at self as heart, love becomes the embracing mechanism. Love is the binding force that acknowledges our truth. There is a dance between love and separation in today's world. Gratitude is the sustaining force that maintains being present in a loving state. The ego only knows about time and space and the heart knows nothing except presence. Love...

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