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submitted by: admin on 05/16/2015
This involves balancing energy systems through muscle testing that has practical applications. Working with acupuncture meridians, the chakras, and the Tibetan Figure 8s changes how the subconscious works and restores normalcy.
submitted by: admin on 05/16/2015
It is difficult for MDs to open their minds to the field of applied kinesiology because they dont understand energy medicine. It works on babies and animals! Much of kinesiology is related to acupuncture and the meridians.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Applied kinesiology was born within the chiropractic profession. It is a methodology to evaluate and treat neurological disorders within the central nervous system. It involves muscle testing like a biofeedback tool that allows the practitioner to find out what is happening in the nervous system. Muscle testing is allows investigation to find the root cause of...
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Energy kinesiology is a hands on approach to deal with the energy systems of the body. It is a balancing system based on muscle testing, a feedback system to find out what is happening in the body's neurological system. Using energy it is possible to change the neurological circuits using the chakras system, acupressure or the Tibetian figure eight system.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
"Motion" and "study of" are the ingredients of kinesiology. By testing muscles it is possible to assess organ function because they are interrelated. There will be a muscle weakness when there is organ dysfunction. Applied kinesiology is applying what you know about movement to organ function. You can make a diagnosis based on muscle weakness, and it is possible...