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submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The chemistry of diabetes is discussed. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are autoimmune diseases and we're now learning about the specific chemicals that lead to this state. Leaky membranes and hyperacidity explain much of why diabetes develops. High levels of sugar are toxic to body proteins. High insulin levels and metabolic syndrome are also reviewed.
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Shifting the model of health care from "disease" care to "health" care is necessary if we're going to enjoy good health. Preserving our level of wellness and detecting disease early are critical. Wellness includes body, mind, emotion, and spirit and an understanding of curing and healing. We need a new model: Health Medicine.
submitted by: admin on 09/15/2020
Until just a few weeks ago America has not only lived in chaos but also
responded with fear that has divided us. Yet we have found that chaos is
the precursor to change. And changing we are! As the truth of what has
emerged in the Covid 19 plandemic and in the hijacked marches for Black
Lives Matter, "we the people" are...
submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
Taking a new drug is not always a good idea because they have not been around long enough to learn all their dangers. It is the effectiveness of big pharma's advertising, especially DTC ads, that entice us to try a new drug. When considering a new drug, keep in mind that you have to add up the percentages of all side effects to determine their true incidence.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Byron interviews Len Saputo about his militaristic medical treatment. 11% of medical students consider suicide. Creating a healing relationship is primary in medical practice. Keeping an open mind about other discipines is critical. The story of my wife's illness led to finding a solution outside of medicine that finally led me to an integrative approach.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Whenever a new technology is invented, if it is good it will displace the old. This can have profound economic consequences that are abhorent to business-minded corporations. Conflicts of interest with the FDA are discussed.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
There are 3 charges against Big Pharma. Patents give them a monopoly on a drug, the cost of advertizing is paid for by the consumer, and new unnecessary products are brought to market to renew patents.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Spanish researchers reported in the January 2013 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that there are more than 700 species of bacteria in normal human breast milk. They suggest that this is one of the factors leading to which bacteria will colonize the infant's digestive tract.
Mother's milk is primarily lactose, but it is...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Progress is totally dependent on new ideas, yet there is a tremendous resistance to change. Fear of doing something wrong is one issue. This is why many of us are afraid to buck the mainstream. Education is key for change; unfortunately it often takes decades.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
We live in a sea of toxins that seriously impact our health. A NY University Study is reviewed showing that most of us are saturated with hundreds of chemical toxins. We need political reform to make it illegal to spread these toxins.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Comcast News interviews Dr. Len about Health Care Refom
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Many of our best thinkers such as Einstein, Da Vinci, Tesla, and Churchill took afternoon power naps regularly. Progressive companies such as Newsweek, Google, and Time/Warner encourage afternoon naps because they have found there is increased productivity.
A Greek study found that men who took a 30 minute nap at least 3 times per week lowered...
submitted by: admin on 04/20/2015
Welcome to our new, newsletter service exclusively for our members!
Why People with the Same Level of Hypertension Need Different Treatments
Treating blood pressure strictly by the numbers is shortsighted because it does not take into account a person's overall health issues. Certainly it is far more important to aggressively treat...
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Newer antidepressants are being promoted as better than the older ones. The bottom line is that when drugs go off patent, the drug companies have a need to convince MDs and the public that they should purchase their newer, more profitable products. There are problems with antidepressants that include increased risk of suicide, osteoporosis, and heart...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Thank you for helping us to celebrate the worldwide website launch of on 1/1/11... a symbolic date as the numbers suggest the start of a project, "new beginnings"... click on the arrow below to watch a video of Dr. Len Saputo discuss the features of this unique health and wellness service custom tailored for YOU! Members will have access...
submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
New drugs are the poorest tested and Americans are the guinea pigs for the first few years after release. Most new drugs have new side effects reported and 20% wind up off the market or with black box warnings. The FDA does not regulate Big Pharma and has a conflict of interest position with them
submitted by: admin on 10/02/2013
Losing a child from a mass murder is incomprehensively horrendous. We are outraged every time there is a mass murder, but what do we do to prevent another? Not much. Gun control is understandably a complicated issue because we certainly don't want to have a dangerously deranged person who is capable of a mass murder to have a gun.
Yet the second...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Health care disparaties are common and as a society we are only as healthy as our weakest link. We also need to be in harmony with our environment, and many medical treatments pay no attention to this. Mayor Newsome has created a program called "Healthy San Francisco," that provides a beginning program of integrative health care for the indigent. Diet,...
submitted by: admin on 10/24/2018
Disinformation, fear, and confusion is what the CDC, White House, FDA, and WHO have created in the great infection deception during the 2009-10 Swine flu "pandemic." And they are at it again! By proclamation, these groups continue to lie to us by telling us that we should all be getting our flu shots once again to prevent the disability and deaths from...