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Aromatherapy Relaxes Emergency Room Nurses

submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
Aromatherapy treatment was shown to lower the anxiety of emergency room nurses. Yet this is not done in clinical practice. It could be used in the hospital to relax the entire staff and patients. Lavender would be a good example. Massage therapy is another very useful relaxants, especially for surgeons.              

Bullying of Nurses by Physicians and Co-Workers

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
One thing that we don’t hear much about is the bullying that goes on with nurses.  Now it is finally out in the news and the hospitals are finally trying to do something about it. They have a zero tolerance and have set up boundaries.  More than half of the nurses that were surveyed reported that they had been abused at work and had also...

Containing Health Care Costs

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We spend too much money for what we get back in service, and our health care is rated only 37th in the world. End of life care uses half of all money spent on health care. MDs need to become involved in deciding how money is going to be spent on what. It takes a community of people to make a collaborative decision that is sensible.

Doctors and Nurses are not Washing Their Hands

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
When cameras are watching more doctors and nurses wash their hands. Less than 7% washed their hands immediately when entering or before leaving a patient's room. under normal conditions. This number shot up to 88% when cameras were installed to monitor hand washing. With hospital acquired infections reaching 5% and 100,000 deaths annually from them, hand...

Doctors and Nurses Use CAM More than the Public

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Three of every four US healthcare workers use CAM for prevention. MDs and RNs used CAM services more than their assistants. Thirty eight percent of the US uses CAM services such as supplements, meditation, chiropractic, Pilates, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine. The reasons healthcare workers used CAM was for back, neck, and joint pain. Yet only 1.5% of total...

Over-treatment in the ICU is Common

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  A JAMA survey of almost 2000 doctors and nurses in the ICU in January of 2012 revealed that they believed there is often too much care adminstered to patients. Only occasionally was there insufficient care. Advance directives need to be honored and treatment decisions often require input from multiple sources that include the family, physician, spiritual...

Why We Should Drug Test Doctors and Nurses

submitted by: admin on 11/19/2014
In November of 2014 voters in California voted against making it mandatory for doctors to undergo drug testing. None of us want to believe that our MD might be drinking too much or taking drugs, but then none of us would want a doctor who was drinking or taking drugs! There is a lot of data showing that doctors and nurses are especially vulnerable to these problems....

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