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2010: A Good Year for Radical Health-Care Reform

submitted by: admin on 11/21/2013
                  " A Return to Healthing" Blog:  Fri, 01/29/2010 - 14:35 — BBelitsos By Dr. Len Saputo When Barack Obama became president-elect of the United States, most of us felt a sense of hope we hadn't experienced in years. We trusted that...

A Fervent Call for Sustainable Health Care

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
         " A Return to Healing" Blog:  Fri, 03/12/2010 - 22:23 — BBelitsos A great disappointment has descended upon the majority of Americans. Both the left and the right feel let down by the federal government’s strangely inadequate package of health care reforms that is about to be...

Americans Distrust the Medical Profession

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
A Harvard study that was published in the October issue of the NEJM, documented that Americans are considerably less trusting of the medical profession compared to people in most other industrialized countries. Low income Americans are the worst hit and are three times less likely to skip doctor visits, fill prescriptions, or obtain tests, treatment, and follow...

Congress Cuts Medicare Benefits: Is This the Change We Need?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
President Barack Obama's campaign for presidency tag like was that he'd bring us "The Change We Need." He promised there would be no cuts in health care and that we would provide health insurance coverage for millions of more Americans. However, now that the US budget is a huge challenge, he's signed legislation that can cut up to 2% per...

Health Care or Disease Care?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Health care reform needs to be centered on health care, not disease care. We need political reform too; reform that is not beseiged by conflicts of interest. Universal health care is off the table, and now single payer is being considered. Compromising with insurance companies is not a reasonable solution because it does not take into account the skyrocketing...

Health Care Reform Quick Links

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
                                                 Here begins your journey through the world of Health Care Reform. ...

How ObamaCare is Affecting Doctors, Patients and the Practice of Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  ObamaCare, or the Affordable Care Act, will bring 50 million new people into the Medicaid program, but who will pay for this and who will take care of them? Most MDs cannot afford to treat patients in Medicaid because reimbusement for services is far too low. The quality of care will drop and access to care will take time to take effect. We're...

Meprobamate Recalled After 50 Years

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
The European Medicine Agency is recommending removing meprobamate (Equanil, Miltown) from the market after being available by prescription for 50 years because of possible fatalities related to rapid withdrawal. The FDA has done nothing in the US. It is also a common street drug in the US. Psychiatry today relies on drugs rather than dealing with the underlying...

Obama Backtracks on Smog Prevention

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Despite Obama's promise to clean up our air, he has backtracked on legislation supporting lowering the levels of smog in our air. He has bowed to power plants and factories such as Dow Chemical by stating that it would cost thousands of jobs and $90 billion dollars in the bottom line for these polluting corporations. The cost is our health. There will be...

Obama Pulls Plug on Long Term Home Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
The obama administration pulled the plug on long term home health care, which was part of the Affordable Health Care Act. The program was deemed to be unaffordable because it would increase health care costs. The Affordable Health Care Act is slowly disintegrating and the Republicans and corporate America are loving it. It is hard to believe that before the...

Obama's Health Care Summit Feb.25, 2010

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The purpose and agenda for this historic debate is reviewed and discussed. President Obama's effort to win bipartisan support in an open meeting on C-Span is presented.

Obama's Selection for HHS

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Whoever heads up HHS should be an experienced MD who knows about health care. Lifestyle needs to be promoted, not more disease care. Promoting wellness is critical to cut costs and turn to wellnes and prevention. There are no qualified candidates that are being considered.

Obama/McCain Health Care Positions, Jan-2009

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
McCain is supporting big business and Obama is supporting health care for everyone through a single payer system. Today's system is not economically sustainable and is not preventive or based on self-care.

Obamacare and New Legislation Are Based on the Wrong Diagnosis

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
"A Return to Healing" Blog:  Thu, 10/08/2009 - 12:41 — BBelitsos Not too surprisingly, the Senate Finance Committee’s pro-corporate health-care reform bill received a financial thumbs up this week (on October 7) from the Congressional Budget Office. The committee's unambitious proposal insures another 29 million Americans—while leaving...

Obamacare and the Future of Health Care in America

submitted by: admin on 10/15/2013
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a step in the right direction by providing healthcare for the poor, but it is a far cry from the Universal Healthcare that was supposed to be part of The Change We Need. It will benefit the very poor by making it easier to qualify for Medicaid (MediCal in California) because it is now possible to qualify...

The Affordable Health Care Act

submitted by: admin on 08/13/2019
      I agree that there are a multitude of very serious problems with the Affordable Care Act; and some really hack me off and are outright frightening! That's what happens when politics is as corrupt as it is today in America.  Nonetheless it is important to acknowledge what an achievement this act represents in terms...

The Tragedy of American Healthcare

submitted by: admin on 11/08/2016
  THE TRAGEDY OF AMERICAN HEALTHCARE Len Saputo, MD Introduction: The New Terrain of American Health Care Over the past 25 years the practice of medicine has become a business, physicians have become employees, and patients have become commodities. Healthcare has become more standardized and doctors have been taught to treat “sets...

What is Obamacare and is it the Answer to America's Health Challenges?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "Obamacare," became law in  March of 2010 is is the topic of considerable confusion. To begin with it is nearly 2700 pages long and is written in complex legal terminology that few understand; this includes, believe it or not, most of the US Congress! The...

What is Socialized Medicine

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Socialized medicine means that the government pays for health care. Universal health care means the everyone gets health care, but does not require it be paid for by the government. Obama’s health care plan is discussed.

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