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Is Cramming for Finals Productive?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Sacrificing sleep for extra study is counterproductive according to a UCLA study published in the journal, Child Development. For 14 days, 535 high school students kept diaries on how long they studied, how long they slept, and whether or not they experienced academic problems. Today's educational system is built on competitiveness and rewards...

Many MDs Believe they Overtreat

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
A survey of US primary care MDs revealed that 42% believe they administer too much medical treatment. The reasons are related to malpractice concerns, clinical performance measures, inadequate time with their patients. They believe that are paid more to do more and exposed to legal punishment if they do less. Medicine is now a business first and a service when...

Should MDs be Paid for Performance?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Pay-for-performance schemes financially reward MDs for hitting special numerical targets such as hospital stay, readmissions, use of certain drugs, and cost controls. An article in the August issue of the British Medical Journal take the position that pay-for-performance will do more harm than good by changing the mindset of the physician. The Accountable Care...

Somatics and Peak Performance with Nirinjan Yee

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Building on our strengths to increase our capacity is a powerful tool. Movement and breath help us access peak performance at every level. Being in the moment allows us to fully concentrate on what we're doing; it is the zone.          

SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Nutritional Support Protocol

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
    While is is very important to consume the raw materials in our diet to produce sufficient energy (ATP) to be able to exercise, there are also particular nutrients that are important in enhancing athletic performance that can be obtained in special diets or with supplemetation. For optimal performance in sport it is important to prepare...

Steroids and Sports with Phillip Miller, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Are steroids unfair in sport. Hear the unusual perspectives of Dr. Miller. Both testosterone and growth hormone are illegal, but how much good do they do? He also feels that these antiaging hormones are valuable as we get older. If we are active weekend warriors, by the time we're 50, we start getting injuries...these hormones can prevent them.          

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