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Bodymind Medicine with Michael Mayer

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Integrating qigong with psychotherapy adds another dimension to bodymind healing. The combination of the relaxation techniques and breathwork of qigong integrate well into psychotherapy and in particular pain management. Qigong also brings energy therapy into the body as well. The value of qigong in hypertension is documented with good research.

Can You Trust Your Intuition with Marcia Emery, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Intuition is a the deepest wisdom of the soul; it is a power hunch. Images, feelings, and thoughts are what come up; the body is an intuitive antenna.          

Is Practicing Nutrition Without being a Registered Dietitian a Crime?

submitted by: admin on 07/10/2014
  In states like North Carolina, it is against the law to provide nutritional advice even for free if you are not licensed by the American Dietetic Association. This means that, under the law, you could not advise a diabetic to avoid sugar unless you are a registered RD! While it is only a misdimeanor, it is punishable by fines and even imprisonment....

The Presence of Positive Feeling is Healthy with Beverly Rubik, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Our thoughts have a profound effect on our biochemistry and physiology. Feeling good has a powerful effect on our health. Some of the mechanisms involved in this phenomenon is discussed.

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