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Breathing for Hypertension with Deane Hillsman, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Hypertension can be helped by breathing properly. How we breathe affects our blood pressure as much as 10-15 points. Sympathetic vs parasympathetic breathing has a major effect on blood pressure. Slow abdominal breathing is relaxing. Relaxed breathing is more efficient, especially during prolonged exhalation. Breathing patterns can be taught that increase...


submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Hypertension is caused most of the time by lifestyle habits that can be improved to make a major difference in your blood pressure. Mainstream medicine looks to the quick fix with an array of anti-hypertensive drugs that can work, but at the price of a multitude of known and unknown side effects that can be disabling or even lifethreatening. Most people with...

Hypertension Management

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
Simple approaches to diagnose and manage newly found hypertension are explored. White coat hypertension is discussed. The significance of systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure are discussed. Pre-hypertension is also reviewed.          

Hypertension: Basic Principles

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
You've just found out you have hypertension, what do you do now? What hypertension is, how you measure it and what the numbers mean, and how you make the diagnosis is reviewed. White coat syndrome is a very common cause of elevated blood pressure.        

Hypertension: Nutritional Support Protocol

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Hypertension is caused most of the time by lifestyle habits that need improving. Mainstream medicine looks to the quick fix with an array of anti-hypertensive drugs that can work, but at the price of a multitude of known and as yet unknown side effects that can be lifethreatening. Most people with hypertension can get off of their drugs if they will adopt a healthy...

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: May 13, 2011

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Prescriptions for Health Radio Show May 13,2011Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki explore the following topics Doctors prefer medical education sponsored by Big Pharma What is CAM? Forgiveness Pre-diabetes Holism Health Medicine and the Health Medicine Forum H. pylori: inflammation vs anti-inflammation Dangerous side effects of Tylenol Vicki's 20-20...

Suddenly Sick Syndrome

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Big pharma redefines the criteria for disease to make more people "sick" and sell more drugs for these conditions. Pre-hypertension, pre-osteoporosis (osteopenia), and pre-obesity are examples. How this happens is described. This creates the "worried well!"          

When is a Drug the Best Treatment for Hypertension?

submitted by: admin on 04/14/2015
Over the years the way we evaluate and treat for hypertension has changed considerably. There has been a tendency to treat blood pressures that are greater than 140/90, but new data published in the January issue of the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that for people over the age of 60 suggests that BPs of 150/90 should no longer be treated with...

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