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Can You Cultivate Your Premonitions with Larry Dossey, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
You can cultivate your premonitions. We all have this capacity but don't really pay much attention to them; we need to allow it to emerge. Meditation is a potent tool that allows us to turn on our intuitive skills. The nonlocal ability to tap into the universal field may be what enables this ability.            

Getting Outside the Mainstream Medical Box with Larry Dossey, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The power of the mind in medical illness is a powerful tool. Shifting from traditional medicine to intuition medicine is a challenging process. Imagery, visualization, and meditation were the foundation for premonitions. Premonitions are a fore-warning. We all have the capacity to have premonitions.        

Making Sense of Energy with Debra Greene

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Subtle energy, chakras, meridians, auras, prana, chi, etc are being talked about but putting them all together is challenging. Science rigidly rejects what it does not understand in a very unscientific way! Turning to outcome-based research is becoming a necessity.

Premonitions Function Unconsciously with Larry Dossey, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Premonitions are so innate that they can function unconscious both in dreams and in waking life. Dr. Dossey shares several stories that are amazing. Low attendance at events that were disasterous have been documented for airplane and train crashes and at the World Trade Center collapse.              

Why Premonitions are Important with Larry Dossey, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Premonitions are related to survival. They often occur in our dreams and emerge into our waking awareness and frequently relate to the maternal child bond. Science and intuition are interrelated but generally discarded because we don't understand what is happening. We need to listen to our patients.

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