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HIV/AIDS with David Rasnick, PhD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The controversy between the mainstream and CAM thinkers is very interesting. We review the arguments and conflicts of interest.

Medical Guidelines Questioned

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  According to an article published in the October 2012 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, most medical guidelines are based on opinion and weak data. They do not follow the standards set by the Institute of Medicine. In a study of 130 guidelines, fewer than half met even 10 of their 18 standards. Fewer than half stated whether conflicts of...

Swine Flu Vaccine: Do You Need It? Part 2

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The CDC and FDA has recommended the swine flu vaccine with almost non-existing science regarding its effectiveness and its safety. The basis for making the decision to recommend the vaccine has been by proclamation! What little data that does exist in the medical literature about the effectiveness of influenza vaccines shows it doesn't work in either infants...

The Gap Between Good Science and Dogma

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We make a lot assumptions based on superficial observations that have become accepted without scientific rigor. Policy by proclamation is not scientific. We must have funding from NIH for some of this research.

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