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Aging and Energy Production with Frank Shallenberger, MD

submitted by: admin on 04/20/2016
  As we age, energy production declines. Our ability is directly correlated with how well we use oxygen. Using fat as a fuel is ideal and is a sign of conditioning. Even younger people decrease energy production because of poor lifestyle. It is possible to reverse this process. Exercise and diet are a very important solutions.        

Alzheimer's Disease Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/20/2019
  Alzheimer's disease (AD) is like an electrical "brown out" that develops as energy production of the hippocampal region of the brain begins to fail and atrophies. Nutritional programs make it possible to resuscitate some mitochondrial energy production and either stabilize or improve symptoms.  Drugs are not a good solution...

Antioxidants and Cancer Treatment

submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
Cancer is a disease of lack of energy production. It is associated with loss of mitochondrial ATP production caused by oxidative stress. Antioxidants are the antidote to cancer development. This is why we sometimes see success with IV vitamin C treatment. Caveolin 1 is a marker that predicts survival. The question then is would it be worthwhile to treat with...

BioEnergy Testing with Frank Shallenberger, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Bio-Energy testing provides information that helps us understand the biochemistry of the body and how it relates to our energy level, fitness, and thyroid function.            

Breakthrough Research Explains Fatigue

submitted by: admin on 05/27/2015
Until recently doctors believed that the hemoglobin in our red blood cells carried only oxygen and carbon dioxide when we are in good health. However, according to an article published in the April 2015 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, hemoglobin also carries a molecule called nitric oxide (NO).  It turns out that NO...

Breakthroughs in Preventing Diabetes with Frank Shallenberger, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
There is a pandemic of type 2 diabetes that may affect as many as 25% of the population. The defects in diabetes are reviewed. This is a preventable disease with diet, exercise, stress reduction and more. All diseases are associated with a defect in energy production. It is almost always associated with obesity. It is important to begin working early on the pre-diabetes...

Can Light Therapy Help the Brain

submitted by: admin on 09/28/2018
According to a press release published in Eurekalert in April of 2015, researchers from the Boston VA hospital are studying the effects of infrared and red light on veterans with Gulf War Syndrome. They documented with MRI studies that LED therapy increased blood flow and ATP production in the mitochondria of brain cells. Previous studies published in the June...

Co-Enzyme Q10, Statins, Muscle Pain, and the Heart

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Statins block both cholesterol and co-enzyme Q10 production. We need co-Q10 to make energy and when levels are low it can lead to congestive heart failure. It can also lead to muscle pains, the release of myoglobin and renal insufficiency.          

Co-Enzyme Q10, What Is It and What Does It Do?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  A review of what it is and what it does is presented. It is derived from tyrosine and it is required for energy production. It is also a powerful antioxidant. Statins interfere with the production of Co Q10 and this is discussed.            

Coenzyme Q10 Improves Hypertension and Congestive Heart Failure

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Recent data has documented once again that coenzyme Q10 improves hypertension and can prevent congestive heart failure. It can improve cardiac output by as much as 39% and significantly increases exercise capacity of patients with all levels of congestive heart failure. It has many other functions such as increasing HDL cholesterol, immunity, and arterial elasticity...

Curcumin May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  A Thai study published in the October 2012 issue of Diabetes Care on people with pre-diabetes showed that the spice curcumin could prevent the progression to outright diabetes. They gave 1.5 grams of curcumin to 119 people with pre-diabetes and 116 without it for 9 months and found 19 cases of type 2 diabetes in the control and none in those treated...

Exercise as Antiaging Medicine with Frank Shallenberger, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/29/2017
Aging accelerates as we get older and it becomes more and more important to exercise to slow down this process. We can measure the aging process by determining when they shift from burning fat to burning carbohydrate. Exercise is the most powerful factor that slows down aging.                        

Fibromyalgia Overview

submitted by: admin on 12/23/2019
This is an introduction to what fibromyalgia is and the challenges we have in making the diagnosis. Mainstream and CAM treatments are reviewed. There is a defect in energy production that can be measured. Management of the pain is straightforward most of the time using infrared light therapy, a balance of rest and exercise, and somatic therapies.            

How Efficiently Does Your Body Use Oxygen

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
Oxygen utilization is different from how much oxygen we take in when we breathe. We can take in 100% oxygen and still not have normal oxygen utilization at the mitochondrial level if our mitochondria are not functioning properly. In an article published in the May 2014 issue of The Townsend Letter, Dr. Frank Shallenberger explains that if our oxygen utilization...

How to Prevent and Manage Statin Induced Myalgias

submitted by: admin on 10/02/2013
  Statin drugs to lower cholesterol are complicated to use, and for this reason are often misused. There are nine different drugs and there are major differences in their solubility in water or fat, effects on insulin resistance, where they are detoxified, and how much they interfere with coenzyme Q10 levels in the body. The synthesis of both cholesterol...

Infrared Light As Medicine with Maurice Bales

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Infrared light therapy is perhaps the most impressive new scientific modality that spans many decades of medical breakthroughs. Its ability to improve or eliminate pain, often in minutes, is shocking. This treatment uses near infrared light to increase circulation, provide an increased supply of ATP (the energy to run the body), reduce inflammation, increase...

Is the Gulf War Illness Real?

submitted by: admin on 04/11/2014
Is the Gulf War Illness real? You bet it is! Why has it taken 20+ years to figure this out? Why has the VA hospital system failed to recognize that this illness is real and start helping our young soldiers who have suffered serious disabilities from the Gulf War in Kuwait? Is this all about money?  According to a study at the UC San Diego School of Medicine...

Melatonin and Exercise Help in Alzheimers Disease

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
  Research from Barcelona on mice with genetic predisposition for Alzheimer's Disease showed that a combination of melatonin and exercise lowered their risk for developing the disease. This combination protected the brain from oxidative stress and from excesses of amyloid and tau proteins. It also improves energy production in the brain, which is...

Metabolic Syndrome

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
There is an epidemic of this condition that is the precursor of type 2 diabetes and its complications. The basis for its development and how it works is discussed.          

Never Fear Cancer Again

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2013
Cancer is a symptom of abnormal cellular function that is caused by nutritional deficiencies and toxicities rather than simple genetics. Actually, only 1-2% of cancers a strictly genetic and the rest are caused by epigenetics (lack of nutrients and excessive exposure to toxic environmental chemicals). There is a lot we can do to prevent cancer from developing...

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