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AN INTERVIEW WITH CHIEF PHILLIP SCOTT: Covid 19 and its role in spirituality

submitted by: admin on 05/28/2020
Dr. Len and Chief Phillip Scott explored the benefits of Covid 19 in bringing harmony and balance back into our lives. From the Native American perspective, it represents a collective initiation and purification and an awakening for us to evolve from separation to community. The answers to making this transition are offered in the dream world where we commune...

Healthy Nutrition with Dr. Richard Kunin Part 1

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Dr. Richard Kunin practices in San Francisco, CA.  He also teaches nutrition classes.  Dr. Kunin believes that with the cost of a doctor visits being so high, and that often to it takes several visits to the doctor before treatment even begins.  Dr. Kunin's class teaches healthy nutrition and makes more sense economically.  Instead of...

Purification with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
How do we begin to reverse the effect of pollution in our bodies?  This Prescriptions for Health "Fastrack" show discusses purification, which is really another way of talking about how we detoxify and purify our body from the things we expose ourselves to. When we talk about pollution in today's world, the key words are oxygen radicals....

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