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Americans Are Struggling with Life

submitted by: admin on 11/22/2019
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki discuss many of the challenges we face in the US that cause stress, anxiety and depression. Life in the fast track with materialistic rather than service oriented values often lead to confusion and frustration regarding what life's purpose is. We have lost our sense of what life is about and generally aimlessly pursue goals that are...

Basic Fundamentals of Good Health with Russell Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
In today's health care system we wait until we get sick before we seek help. There are 3 core fundamentals: acid-base balance, hormonal balance, and gut transition time. Routine lab tests measure abnormalities that are far advanced. The wellness buffer is discussed. Lifestyle and purpose determine our level of wellness.            

Community Coaching with Meg Jordan, PhD, RN

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Community coaching is about being culturally competent; they help us understand and respect other peoples' beliefs and standards. Integrative wellness coaching is a central part of wellness. Learning how to be an ally though social belonging and meaning a purpose of integrative wellness coaching. Healing circles are reviewed.

Conscious Awareness of the Body with Kathleen Dunbar

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Body, mind, emotion and spirit are one thing, the human being, not pieces that are put together like a jigsaw puzzle. Working on any perspective of who we are has obligatory effects on the rest of who we are. This is why working on the body is a powerful way to work on the whole self.            

Dealing With a Diagnosis of Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
When you find out you have cancer life often becomes very challenging. Most treatments are toxic and have a lot of side effects. While we suffer from cancer and its treatment, the opportunity to re-assess our lifestyle and make changes comes with it. It is a chance to modify how we live our lives and re-assess our values.        

Does Money Bring Happiness?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Money rarely brings happiness but it is clearly one of the metrics of "success. " Money helps with our basic needs. People who make more work harder to get it and have less time for relationships and relaxation. Our goals guide us in the wrong direction for meaningful purpose in life.      

Embodying Life's Purpose with Steve Sisgold

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Embodying life's purpose involves more than thinking. The congruency of our body and our thoughts is very revealing. Listen to your body's signals to erase self doubt and go for what you want from life. Notice how your body responds to what you think, it will reflect who you are and offer insights about how life is going.      

Ethical Issues in Medical Research

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Yale School of Medicine researchers found a clinical trial with neurontin was a seeding trial used by Big Pharma to promote the drug and increase prescriptions. Seeding trials are not illegal but are unethical because they offer no research. They took advantage of 2700 patients and 772 investigators to complete the publication. These people gained nothing for...

Finding Authentic Purpose

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Cultural creativity depends on finding authentic purpose. In our most private moments we recognize where we are not authentic; we must at least notice and then imagine how we can change. The applies to businesses too.

Gandhi and Ayurveda with Arya Bhardwaj

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The principles of Ayurveda are reviewed in terms of celebacy, the type of food that is consumed, and proper sleep along with the principles of Gandhi. Ayurveda is more than a health care discipline, it is a lifestyle practice.              

Good Relationships are Important for Health and Healing

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
What is the point of having perfect functionality and not knowing what our purpose is. We forget too often that relationships are the most important purpose we have in life. Scientific studies show that elderly people are far healthier if they are engaged in something that helps other people. Of course, this works for people of all ages.

Holistic Law: Finding My Soul with Gary Gwilliam, JD

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Finding one's soul as an attorney is about discovering who we are and what our purpose is in everything we do. Work as an attorney tranformed into understanding who a client is and what they need for healing. Education becomes the most important aspect of what we do whether an MD, school teacher, or attorney; it is about teaching healing.

Integrative Medicine with Martin Rossman, MD.

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
As a pioneer in Integrative medicine, Dr. Rossman defines what it is, describes how it works, and why we must use it in health care today. We will do much better in helping people recover from illness by working together.        

Learning Through Relationship with Gary Gwilliam, JD

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Gary tells the story of his journey through his own failed personal relationships and what it took to find a relationship that works. He attributes his success to being authentic and knowing the purpose of his marriage.

Loneliness in Seniors

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Loss of friends, illness, dementia, and lack of interests lead to withdrawl and lonliness. We need stimulation, both mental and physical and should be engaged in life. Retirement can be challenging.

Manifesto for Medical Practice with Wes Rocki, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
  Healing is an inert capacity of all life. The practice of medicine is set up primarily to make money, not provide service. Money is made even when patients are harmed. Understanding the miracle of healing and a strong intention of being authentic are important aspects of good health care practice.          

MDs Fail to Promote Prevention

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
A Bastyr University study showed that patients with type 2 diabetes who were being followed by MDs did better in controlling blood sugar levels when they received naturopathic care over 6 months. This points out that MDs don't practice the lifestyle measures that naturopaths recommend. Prevention is for the most part given lip service in mainstream medicine.  Conventional...

Moving Through Losses Through Yoga

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Feelings of loss can lead to withdrawal and moving through yoga helps this. Our body can stimulate emotions just as emotions stimulate the body. Yoga poses take advantage of this relationship. Breathing also helps.            

Shifting Health Care to Healing with Davi Pakter, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
There is a pressing need to move forward from a symptom relieving to a healing tradition. The Native American Tradition states that our leader is within, not outside. The time for the lone wolf is over; now we must enter a journey in the inside for the benefit of all. This Hopi poem is about love and letting go of the fear that separates us from all there is.

Social Ties, Calmness, and Purpose for the Elderly with Lily Sarafan

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Healthy longevity is discussed. With the cessation of employment elders need additional stimulation through social ties. Many seniors have much to contribute and staying mentally and socially active supports this.        

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