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Congress to Relax FDA Rules on Drug Conflicts of Interest

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Congress is considering relaxing FDA rules on drug conflicts of interest. The FDA has taken the position that it is very difficult to recruit highly qualified people onto committees that determine whether or not a drug will be approved by the FDA. They say that 23% of FDA Advisory Panels have vacancies and that people who are the most knowledgeable should be...

MDs admit being unqualified to deal with obesity

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
  An article In the December 2012 issue of the British Medical Journal reports that 56% of MDs felt they could not help obese people lose weight. They felt that measuring the body mass index (BMI) and putting people on low calorie diets would be a major step forward. For the time being they felt that dieticians and nutritionists would be better at helping...

Obama's Selection for HHS

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Whoever heads up HHS should be an experienced MD who knows about health care. Lifestyle needs to be promoted, not more disease care. Promoting wellness is critical to cut costs and turn to wellnes and prevention. There are no qualified candidates that are being considered.

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