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submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
Angina is the pain caused by insufficient blood flow to an area of the heart. While this is not lethal in itself, it can be very painful and disabling, and is also a warning that there is at least one blood vessel that is severely blocked and in danger of closing off entirely. A myocardial infarction may be impending. Dr. Saputo recommends the following...
submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
Aromatherapy treatment was shown to lower the anxiety of emergency room nurses. Yet this is not done in clinical practice. It could be used in the hospital to relax the entire staff and patients. Lavender would be a good example. Massage therapy is another very useful relaxants, especially for surgeons.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Birth control pills (BCPs) reduce bone density in a dose related relationship, but the effects are small and only develop after two years of use. Long term studies have not been done. A woman's risk of fractures later in life is influenced by the bone mass she gains in her teens through her 20s and this age group has the highest use of oral contraceptives....
submitted by: admin on 12/02/2013
Breast cancer risk is related to genetics about 10% of the time. Environmental and lifestyle factors have much more to do with getting cancer and they are modifiable. Estrogen is a big player in causing cancer and we all know now that HRT increases the risk for breast cancer. There is a lot we can do to prevent activating cancer genes and to protect...
submitted by: admin on 06/16/2015
The treatment of cancer today is limited to mainstream therapies that include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In some states like California it is a felony to use integrative CAM therapies. Often times patients have to travel to other states or countries to obtain the treatment they want.
Living a healthy lifestyle is usually more powerful...
submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Lifestyle is the most potent treatment we have for cancer. Exercise, weight control, and vitamin D levels may lower the risk for getting cancer and also prolong life. Increasing our "wellness buffer" is one of the best kept secrets in cancer prevention and treatment.
submitted by: admin on 06/26/2016
Consuming cruciferous vetetables after a diagnosis of breast cancer was associated with improved survival in Chinese women, as reported in the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study in April 2012. Nearly 5000 breast cancer survivors with stage 1-4 cancer were followed prospectively over three years. Comparing the highest quartile with the lowest with...
submitted by: admin on 11/08/2017
An article published in the January 2014 issue of Health Affairs reported on cost effectiveness of PepsiCo's workplace wellness program and reported that it had no significant value when it came to financial benefit or for cutting absenteeism, quitting smoking, or reducing weight. They went on to state that regular screening for early detection of diseases...
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Historically, indigenous healers have relied on the power of belief and on natural remedies to help their patients. However, with the advent of the scientific method, what we did not understand we simply threw out. This returned spirituality to the church and introduced the randomized controlled trial (RCT) as the way to determine the truth of how...
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
The FDA is requiring that Avodart and Proscar manufacturers disclose that there is an approximately 50% increased incidence of high grade prostate cancer with their usage. It also pointed out that they are not approved for prostate cancer prevention. These drugs block the conversion of testosterone to dihydro-testosterone, which is believed to be one the causes...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Fish oil can lower blood pressure a little in overweight teens. Yet lifestyle remains the most important treatment for hypertension. Diet, exercise, and stress reduction should be included in the curiculum of every school at every level for many reasons. Treating the underlying causes of hypertension needs to be addressed.
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
The largest decrease in BP ever shown by any dietary intervention is flaxseeds according to a paper presented at the American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions. Just 2 tablespoons of milled flax seeds resulted in a drop of 10 mm of Hg systolic and 7 mm Hg diastolic. This is equivalent to most antihypertensive drugs, and without their associated...
submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
High-dose, but not low dose, zinc lozenges shorten the duration of the common cold. Daily doses greater than 75 mg showed a 42% reduction in duration of colds. The forms of zinc working the best are acetate and glycinate. Zinc acts as an antifhinoviral agent, inducer of interferon (prevents viruses from entering cells), and immune booster.
submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
Drugs treat the symptoms, not the cause of hypertension. Stress is the predominant cause of hypertension. Lack of sleep also causes hypertension. Sedatives lower blood pressure as well as antihypertensive drugs.
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Humor is a great healer. When we laugh we activate very powerful brain chemicals that support healing. Dr. Glasser gives examples and shows us how to use laughter to combat stress and its negative effects.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
If you have had a heart attack and you don't take your prescription medications leads to an 80% higher risk for another heart attack. Nutritional alternatives are often as good as medications, but not enough MDs know sufficient information to do this safely. Drugs such as beta blockers, afterload reducers, and anticoagulants. Some natural alternatives are...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute in August published an article showing that both Avandia and Actos increase bladder cancer by more than 400% compared to baseline incidence in diabetics. These drugs account for more than 20% of all drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes. Actos ranks 9th in the sales of all pharmaceutical drugs. This is remarkable...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
A study out of the University of Kentucky published in November of 2012 in the Southern Medical Journal showed that music therapy can benefit patients pre-operatively, intra-operatively, and post-operatively. They found that patients needed less sedative medication, recovered more quickly, had shorter ICU stays, felt better, and had lower hospital...
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Infrared light therapy increases circulation, speeds up healing by 50% according to NASA studies, increases lymphatic drainage, adds energy to the mitochondria, and calms down pain fibers. Treatment can be monitored in real time as it is delivered by the use of an infrared scanner, which is recommended. Many conditions are treatable with infrared light therapy.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
These NSAIDs are widely used reflexively. After surgery they interfere with bone to tendon healing. It makes one wonder what happens in other situations. They reduce inflammation but retard healing. They aren't safe.