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Emotional Release Through Breathing with Nirinjan Yee

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
How we breathe reflects how we are. It is related to what we think and how we feel and provides valuable information about how we are functioning. Sympathetic and parasympathetic breathing patterns are reviewed. The neurophysiology of breathing is reviewed.              

Life in a Body with Steve Sisgold

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The message of how our body feels provides the opportunity for hidden insights to emerge and be dealt with. We tend to hold certain bodily dysfunctions captive until they are released and dealt with.

Listening to your body with Steve Sisgold

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Listen to your body to improve your health. The breath holds important memories that can release how we breathe. Root causes cannot be solved with drugs. Unfortunately we don't learn this in medical school. Your body is your ally and holds the answers to health.          

Press Release: Senator Baucus

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
                  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Publicity Contact: Eileen Duhne August 25, 2009 415/459-2573   Crusading Physician Calls for Resignation of Key “Reform” Senator SENATOR BAUCUS CASHES IN AS HEALTH REFORM BOTTOMS...

PRESS RELEASE: THE INFECTION DECEPTION-Leading Bay Area Physician Questions Government’s Swine Flu Campaign

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Copyleft Artwork by Brazilian Cartoonist Latuff"A Return to Healing" Blog: Fri, 11/20/2009 - 13:24 — BBelitsos FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT: Eileen Duhne415.459.2573 THE INFECTION DECEPTIONLeading Bay Area PhysicianQuestions Government’s Swine Flu Campaign[Lengthy research essay supports charge of fraud: see] (November...

Should Medical Journals Release Articles to the Public?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Our taxes pay for NIH's research, so what is published is really our property. Why then should we have to pay for access to this information. The conflicts of interest between medical journals and NIH are discussed.

Somatic Experiencing with Linda Chrisman, MA, CMT

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The work of Peter Levine, PhD is explored and related to how we can deal with PTSD. This powerful tool can help people who are stuck in psychotherapy move out of their head and into their body to explore old traumas.          

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