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Are MDs Sleep Deprived?

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
We all know that doctors in training are sleep deprived. Recent data shows that a lot of practicing MDs are also sleep deprived. Lack of sleep leads to medical errors and patient suffering and mortality. MDs in training are abused because of the fraternal nature of medical training and also because it saves millions of dollars for training programs to work MDs...

Faults in Medical School Training

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Even medical school faculties acknowledge the outrageous stresses put on med students, interns and residents. This explains why we continue to see high rates of suicide, drug addiction, divorce, and more in this group.

Medical Residency Training Reform

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical experts are calling for resident working hour restrictions to prevent medical errors from medical resident fatigue and lack of supervision. They called for sweeping changes in the design, supervision and financing of US hospital residency programs to protect both patients and medical residents in training from serious, preventable medical errors, and...

Mental Health Drug Research Biased

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
According to an article in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, presentations at the American Psychiatric Association only include research that is supports drugs studied in research. Of 278 studies presented over the past 2 years, 195 were supported by big pharma and 83 from other sources. Among those funded by the industry, none presented showed a negative...

Natural News Radio Show 7.18.12

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  Prescriptions for Health  How Iron Supplements Can Reduce Fatigue A Nutrient Cocktail to Treat Alzheimers Should You Be Told if a Trainee Does Your Surgery? And much more! Vicki’s 20:20 Health Tips: Men Teaching Classes for Women (LOL) Observations on Growing Older              

Tired Medical Residents Make More Errors

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
A study on surgeons in training working hours and errors was published in Archives of Surgery in May of 2012 showing that sleep-deprived surgical residents had a 22% greater risk of causing medical errors than rested residents. Their average number of sleep hours was 5.5 but it ranged from 2.8 to 7.8 hours. They determined that these residents were only functioning...

Training Program for Residents Improves Empathy

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Medical residents lose their empathy for patients over time according to an article in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. However, they can regain some of this by taking a short course in empathy that rescusitates this feeling that they had when they went into medicine. Part of this is because of the "scientific" emphasis of their training and...

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