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Banning Direct to Consumer Ads

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...

Counterfit Drugs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Counterfit drugs are a $35 billion dollar a year business. 10-15% of drugs sold in pharmacies are counterfit! Canadian sales and Internet sales are popular because of discounted prices.          

Influence of Advertising on Drug Sales

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Can advertising in medical journals affect what pharmaceutal drugs are recommended?  Research has shown that journals that are supported through advertising are more likely to support a new drug.  Journals that get most of their income from subscriptions are more likely to publish articles and reports against a new drug.

Medical School-Big Pharma Conflicts of Interest

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is grading med schools on their ability to block Big Pharma representatives from bribing them with meals, gifts, free drug samples, and industry funded education. Only two medical schools had a perfect scorecard. Of the 152 med schools, only 105 received a grade of A or B. This was up from 2008 when only...

Statins Cost 400% More in the US than the UK

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
In the US the cost for statins for people under age 65 and who have insurance is about 400% higher than in the UK according to an article in the journal Pharmacotherapy. There are also about 1/3 more prescriptions sold in the US. The power of Big Pharma is mind-boggling. There is a desperate need to rein their power and create a system based on service rather...

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