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submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Today's medicine is fear based and geared to one size fits all. The new medicine is based on self healing, identifying the underlying psychospiritual roots of illness, and looking at the whole person. In his Manifesto for a New Medicine, Dr. Rocki shares his ideas about what needs to change in today's health care to provide health and vitality.
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Addressing stress through prayer and meditation shift us to something greater than ourself. This opens us to spiritual guidance and wisdom. Nature does the healing. Humility awakens the soul. Listening and caring are powerful tools. Healing lies within each of us. Healers don't heal, they support the process.
submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
A study from UC Berkeley published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed that have-nots reach out to one another in times of trouble, but that the wealthy are more apt to find comfort in material possessions.
What does this say about our value system?! Through education from our role models and what we're taught in school, we learn...
submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
In a recent public poll, it was found that 72% of Americans want to expand medical research as soon as possible. They feel that research is the way to improve health globally, that we need more science, technology, math, and engineering, that the military deserves better health care, are willing to share personal health records, and conduct research on how to...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Getting in touch with our inner self and expressing our feelings authentically is a huge part of becoming self actualized. Scout gives examples and emphasizes how important authenticity is in our lives.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The act of giving not only feels good but is good for your biochemistry, physiology, overall health and longevity! How much of this is related to the feel good hormone, oxytocin, and how much is related to doing a good deed? Giving oxytocin to people leads to their being more giving and feeling happier.
Studies on volunteers over 30 years show...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Intuition is a the deepest wisdom of the soul; it is a power hunch. Images, feelings, and thoughts are what come up; the body is an intuitive antenna.
submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care now recommends mammograms every three years, no self breast examinations, and no clinical breast exams. They believe these procedures cause too many needless biopsies, mental anguish, and over treatment. This also leads to massive overtreatment of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) which is only life-threatening...
submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Lithocholic acid (LCA) is a liver bile acid that has the ability to selectively kill cancer cells while not affecting normal cells. It works by causing cancer cell mitochondria to self-destruct. LCA also activates the vitamin D receptor site. It prevents whole tumor growth and slows down the development of metastases. In tests it has been shown to...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Being authentic with our strengths is important. There's a difference between bragging and appreciating who we are, and between arrogance and self-appreciation.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Deep commitment and hard work can solve health problems that are often deemed hopeless. Spiritual practice can be the belief that the body has the power to self heal. Loving relationships are a strong tool for healing.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Who would you trust if you had a life-threatening illness. It is challenging to get the care you would like for several reasons that are discussed. There are legal and practical aspects impeding the care you might want.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025 is a 100% free site that was founded by Len Saputo, MD and Francesco Garri Garripoli on January 1, 2011. The purpose of this site is to provide a guide, all in audio and video, to taking care of your health issues using integrative strategies personalized to each unique individual's situation. There are more than 30 health assessments that...
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Embodying life's purpose involves more than thinking. The congruency of our body and our thoughts is very revealing. Listen to your body's signals to erase self doubt and go for what you want from life. Notice how your body responds to what you think, it will reflect who you are and offer insights about how life is going.
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
There are four types of emotional behavior that characterize how we repond to life and they are reviewed: linear, emotional, gushers, and the rock. Self awareness of these types provides valuable information about who we are so we can get more out of living.
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Historically, indigenous healers have relied on the power of belief and on natural remedies to help their patients. However, with the advent of the scientific method, what we did not understand we simply threw out. This returned spirituality to the church and introduced the randomized controlled trial (RCT) as the way to determine the truth of how...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
It is important to express yourself if you're going to be authentic. All too often we only present the tip of the iceberg. This means exposing more of who we are. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable; be that way anyway! We are only as sick as our secrets.
submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
Habits hold us back; we learn them. As children our role models often create problems for us that haunt us for the rest of our lives unless we evolve. Physical dysfunction often is the result of role models that don't serve our needs. Choice is what can save us, so long as we can express it; from the truth of ourself. Therapy is learning what doesn't...
submitted by: admin on 08/23/2013
The August of 2013 issue of the journal, Internal Medicine, reviewed 451 voluntary reports from food manufacturers regarding the safety of their food additives and discovered that the reports were created by the manufacturers or their payed representatives. Of the 451 reports, 22% were made by a company employee, 13% by employees of manufacturer-hired...
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Stress can heal and it can also kill. Stress physiology is one thing and what we experience is another. It is important to search for the underlying causes of stress. There are three types of stress: emotional or situational stress, stress as a tool to engage us in something, the stress of loss. Aspects of these types are described.