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submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Health care reform needs to be centered on health care, not disease care. We need political reform too; reform that is not beseiged by conflicts of interest. Universal health care is off the table, and now single payer is being considered. Compromising with insurance companies is not a reasonable solution because it does not take into account the skyrocketing...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The government has taken the position that health care reform will lead to cost savings by being more proficient. However, we're adding 30 million more people to the system and are still trying to save costs...where's the logic? The problem is that the economy cannot stand to reduce health care costs because it is an economic stimulus in itself.
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
According to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in April of 2013, naturopathic care enhanced conventional care from MDs by showing a 17% reduction in prevalence of the metabolic syndrome over a one year period.
Primary healthcare supposedly provides in-depth lifestyle counselling, however, why then does ND care lower...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The rate of spending for health care has outstripped economic growth in almost every country for the past 15 years. There aren't obvious ways of controlling health care costs that seem realistic. Approaches that have been considered include Universal Health Care programs, cuts in health care services, increasing taxes, entrusting more services...
submitted by: admin on 12/11/2013
Health care in the world has become unaffordable and we can no longer sustain our present health care paradigm. Unless we take care of ourselves by living a healthy lifestyle we will not be able to survive financially. People are living much longer today than even a decade ago and the younger generation is unable to pay for the cost of the epidemic of chronic...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The importance of living a healthy lifestyle is the key to living a healthy life. We can eliminate most illnesses through lifestyle strategies. Yet we live in a medical paradigm that depends on our getting sick. We have the technologies to promote wellness today. Yet there are powerful forces that keep the paradigm right where it is.