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submitted by: admin on 09/18/2020
We're all getting very tired of hearing about Covid 19 and Black Lives
Matter. The path we're on in dealing with these disasters is taking us
down the wrong rabbit hole. We have not only failed to find a cure in
the mainstream for either problem but we also have failed our economy
and our spirit. Addiction to drugs and...
submitted by: admin on 08/07/2020
We are learning that we cannot trust the information, recommendations,
and mandates of our government when it comes to Covid 19. There is an abundance of misinformation that changes over time and often makes no sense. We are depending on a test for diagnosis that is far from accurate, data on theprevalence and mortality that is simply...
submitted by: admin on 09/11/2020
We can and must make choices about our destiny, especially when it comes to the mandates about Covid 19. We must not acquiesce to lockdowns, face masks, or social distancing. We don't have to take the vaccine for Covid 19. We are not bound by the mandates of the FDA, CDC, NIH, or WHO. Time is running out and we cannot continue to be victims. What we can do...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
submitted by: admin on 09/29/2020
Dr. Len is in the hospital broadcasting this show with Francesco. He
feels care he is getting has been superb and the doctors, nurses, and
staff have gone out of their way to listen and care. To make a long
story short, Dr. Len has severe hypertension from an endocrine imbalance
that has been very difficult to control. It has ranged from 220/110 to