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Articles by Keyword for

social transformation

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Health Care Cuts are Inevitable

submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
  The failure of the congressional super committee triggers a 2% across the board cut to Medicare. This is just the beginning of what is likely to happen to Medicare services as Congress attempts to balance the nation's budget.. This, of course, will lead to fewer MDs and hospitals accepting Medicare patients. It will also most likely lead to raising...

Making Conscious Choices

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
  John Renesch is a self taught social entrepreneur who has published 14 books and hundreds of articles on organizational and social transformation. He is actively engaged in teaching social transformation and in this video focuses on how making conscious choices can influence positive change on our cultural values and operations.      

Taking Charge of Your Life with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
If we are going to evolve as a healthy community, it is necessary to start from the grass roots level to be the change you want to see. Social transformation that works must be the way of the peaceful warrior and be an evolutionary process rather than a revolutionary process. Francesco shares the thinking and tools we need to build a healthy community. Francesco...

The Necessity for Social Transformation

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Without social transformation we cannot evolve to a much needed evolutionary change where we are committed to service and the development of true community historically based on self-centered narcissistic greed and survival of the fittest. John Renesch is a social entrepreneur who has published 14 books and hundreds of articles on organizational and social...

The Purpose of Purpose with Dixon de Lena

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The search for purpose varies with what we're involved with. America has lost its focus and has become an economy. Is your purpose worthy of the spirit? We need to integrate business with society for healthful sustainability. What defines success for cultural creatives?        

Why Gandhi with Professor Arya Bhardwaj

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Gandhi was the first social revolutionary that brought human values to another higher level. Non-violence is nothing new; the vedic tradition is non-violent. Gandhi in action must be brought forward as our basic premise of our community.

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