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Acetyl l-carnitine Speeds Spinal Cord Injury Recovery

submitted by: admin on 11/22/2019
Severe spinal cord injury recovery times can be significantly shortened by using acetyl l-carnitine early after the injury. Damaged mitochondria can be resuscitated and begin making ATP by speeding the delivery of long chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial cell membrane, where they can be used for making cellular fuel. Another mechanism to consider to...

Epidural Steroid Injections May Lead to Worse Outcomes

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  According to  the February 2013 issue of the journal, Spine, epidural steroid injections (ESI) often lead to more pain and level of functioning at 4 years. In the short term, ESI can have a profound effect on pain relief. In those eventually going to surgery, compared to those not getting ESI, surgeries were shorter as was hospital stay. While...

General Anesthesia Can Cause Dementia

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
  An article in Annals of Neurology in February of 2012 showed that in mice the anesthetic Forane caused impaired cognitive function that were much like the changes in Alzheimer's disease. Previous studies have documented that patients undergoing general anesthesia may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Transient cognitive dysfunction...

Hypnosis and Local Anesthesia is Better and Safer Anesthesia

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Using a combination of hypnosis and local anesthesia can aid in healing and reduce drug use and time spent in the hospital. It could also help avoid cancer recurrences and metastases. Two clinical studies showed these results. It appears that hypnosis works by reducing the perception of pain as suggested by functional MRI studies and PET scans.      

Mad Cow Disease in California

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
The first US case of mad cow disease in six years was found in central California in a dairy cow that was not slaughtered for food. It has not been reported to be transmissable in milk. Testing of downer cows is only about 0.2%, so we cannot rest assured that Americans are not being exposed to a lot of cows that have the disease but are not yet sick enough to...

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