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submitted by: admin on 05/16/2015
Appetite suppressants not only don't work well but have serious safety issues. Lifestyle issues such as, stress, insufficient sleep, lack of exercise as well as endocrine issues are important.
submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
There is an epidemic of autoimmune diseases that include hay fever, asthma, diabetes, collagen vascular diseases, and hypothyroidism. The causes of this epidemic range from heavy metal toxicity to drugs and environmental toxins. Our immune system attacks our tissues and we use drugs to suppress our immune system. There are other options for treatment that relate...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The 2009 H1N1 swine flu epidemic deaths in children were more related to MRSA than the virus itself. Simultaneous infection of MRSA and H1N1 increased mortality by 8 fold! Only 30% of children in ICU with swine flu did not have a co-existing serious disease. Of those, only 9% died. The potential value of the swine flu vaccine would not save many lives....
submitted by: admin on 07/31/2020
Censorship and Covid 19
The level of censorship by the news regarding Covid 19 has become a major problem in the US. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube have become tools for suppression of information that is not mainstream. Freedom of he press has been compromised and freedom of speech is in jeopardy.
Because of conflicts...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Do you need to take the swine flu vaccine? Some medical centers require taking the vaccine. Scare tactics are a powerful tool to intimidate people into taking the vaccine. The CDC has been concealing their data regarding the need for the vaccine. CBS did its own study on the incidence of swine flu and their numbers were much lower than those of the CDC. One person...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2020
Ebola has been all over the global news for months. The disease is extremely lethal and conventional treatments are ineffective. Research in the form of clinical trials are being conducted for vaccines and drugs. Despite the fact that Dr. Robert Rowen was invited by the Sierra Leone government to teach their MDs about ozone treatment for Ebola and it was enthusiastically...
submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
Drugs treat the symptoms, not the cause of hypertension. Stress is the predominant cause of hypertension. Lack of sleep also causes hypertension. Sedatives lower blood pressure as well as antihypertensive drugs.
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
When doctors recommend the flu shot patients are 50 times more likely to take it. We need studies to prove that the flu shot is safer than not taking it...they don't exist. The rate of spontaneous abortions is an issue that is not worked out. Mercury is concentrated 15 times in the baby's blood stream over that which is in the mother; this...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Chronic stress is a well known immune suppressant and immunity is critical for cancer survival. There are other mechanisms as well that increase survival that are discussed.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
"A Return to Healing" Blog: Tue, 11/17/2009 - 15:26 — BBelitsos
• Eat a healthy diet and avoid sugarWe know that without the raw materials our bodies need, we simply cannot make the nutrients required to boost our immunity; we also know that refined sugar impairs the ability of our white-blood cells...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The pharmaceutical companies and the CDC are more concerned with having us take vaccines than making sure that once given they will actually work. In general the people who might benefit most from an immunization are those in which the vaccine is not likely to work. This includes people with decreased immunity, such as cancer, AIDS, chronic diseases,...
submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
It is difficult to know who needs supplements based on advertising. Lifestyle measures are always the best medicine. If this doesn't work, then supplements are a consideration. There are also times when our immune systems are not up to par that certain supplements are a good idea. Most people overdo supplements instead of taking responsibility for maintaining...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Many people turn to medication first and then perhaps look for the underlying meaning of insomnia. There are many bodymind psychotherapy strategies that can do a lot to resolve sleeping problems. Using the river of life technique it is possible to shift from a sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance because it is relaxing. The felt sense of the meaning of insomnia...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
What happened in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011 may be the most sinister global disaster in the recorded history of our planet. The repercussions of this historic disaster will remain for centuries to come. The manifestations of nuclear radiation from the meltdown of the reactors in Fukushima will haunt humanity in ways that we'll only discover over time....
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
IBS is very common but poorly understood. Symptoms are described. Drugs control symptoms but never deal with the underlying cause. The nature of the microbial ecosystem is very important because their metabolic products affect our physiology. The role of the microbial ecosystem and of intestinal permeability are reviewed.