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Radical Healthcare Reform and the Future of Medicine

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  Health care reform (HCR) is a necessity, but little true HCR is on the table for either Democrats or Republicans. Republicans want to privatize or abolish Medicare and Democrats want to increase taxes to fund skyrocketing health care costs. Neither approach represents HCR; they merely address how the present health care system might be sustained. Dean...

Rethinking Health Care Funding

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The rate of spending for health care has outstripped economic growth in almost every country for the past 15 years. There aren't obvious ways of controlling health care costs that seem realistic. Approaches that have been considered include Universal Health Care programs, cuts in health care services, increasing taxes, entrusting more services...

Should Medical Journals Release Articles to the Public?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Our taxes pay for NIH's research, so what is published is really our property. Why then should we have to pay for access to this information. The conflicts of interest between medical journals and NIH are discussed.

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