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Do You Have the Right to Know if a Trainee is Doing Your Surgery?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  According to a study published in July 2012 Archives of Surgery, only about 25% of eye institutions had a policy of informing patients that residents would be involved in their surgery! The reasoning of these teaching facilities is that it is critical that residents learn how to do surgeries and that if patients were offered the choice of not having...

The Project to End Disease with Raymond Francis

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The Project to End Disease was founded by Raymond Francis. Health care reform has not addressed the real problem of switching from disease care to health care. We simply do not have a sustainable health care system and there's no plan that works. Abolishing disease is the realistic solution.

The Way We Choose to Live Our Lives with Arya Bhardwaj

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The way we live our lives dictates how the world will be. Non-violence as a way of living is the teaching of Gandhi. Progress is one step at a time and setting the example is the way for social transformation. Gandhi and Ayurveda offer the historical example of a philosopohy that embraces community and peace developed from non-violence.          

Training Program for Residents Improves Empathy

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Medical residents lose their empathy for patients over time according to an article in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. However, they can regain some of this by taking a short course in empathy that rescusitates this feeling that they had when they went into medicine. Part of this is because of the "scientific" emphasis of their training and...

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