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submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
Internet services are expanding at the speed of light. Now there is an "app" that takes a photo of your tongue and provides an analysis of your health! Your "zheng," or overall physical status, is determined and texted back to you. This provides an opportunity to test for an underlying disease process so you can deal with it.
In conventional...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
This practice of holistic medicine from India is the oldest of all lifestyles. It is about the knowledge of life. It originated as a preventive approach. There are 20 universal principles of Ayurveda that are used to evaluate all symptoms. Deficiencies and excesses are determined from the pulses and examing the tongue. Western medicine looks at the symptoms and...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
A study of yogis showed that putting skewers through the tongue or other tissues leads to no infection or pain and healing within a day. Our belief depends on our preconceived ideas and confidence. Examples are given.