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treating symptoms

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Do We Need Another Sleeping Pill?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
The FDA recently approved a drug called Intermezzo for use in the middle of the night wakening that is followed by difficulty returning to sleep. The drug is Ambien, but the dosage is much smaller and the indication is new. Here is another example of a drug company coming up with a novel treatment that treats the symptoms but not the cause. It also has potential...

The Healing Journey of a Healer with Davi Pakter, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The journey of a young healer that began in early childhood is shared. Medical training focused on treating symptoms, not healing. His training extended to CAM with Andrew Weil and with the Native American Tradition. He learned that the body is a reflector of who we are at the psychospiritual level.

Why Doctors Should not Just Treat Symptoms

submitted by: admin on 10/27/2014
No one wants to suffer. Most of the time we go to our doctor because we don't feel well and we want something to make us feel better. In general we're not interested for the psychospiritual reasons for illness. However, in the day of the shaman, the concern was just the opposite. We don't ask for the meaning of our symptoms in the context of our whole...

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