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submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
The common analgesics that include NSAIDs, aspirin, and Tylenol cause a hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths annually in the US. We have a false sense of security because of advertising. Alternatives to drugs are offered.
submitted by: admin on 09/18/2013
These over the counter analgesics increase the risk for hypertension in 20-50%. Fluid retention is one mechanism. DTC ads lead to their overuse. There are many other side effects as well.
submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
A study from McMaster University published in the March issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B showed that fever-reducing drugs that include aspirin, Tylenol, and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, could lead to thousands of more cases of influenza and more deaths because of it. They pointed out that ill people may give off more virus when fever is reduced....
submitted by: admin on 11/07/2013
Just because more doctors prescribe Tylenol than any other pain medication does not make it safe, especially for the babies of pregnant mothers according to an article published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in October of 2013. This study of 3000 sibling pairs showed that pregnant mothers using Tylenol (acetaminophen or paracetamol) for...
submitted by: admin on 11/20/2013
A study published in the November issue of the British Medical Journal reported that ibuprofen and Tylenol had no beneficial effect on the symptoms of colds. In fact, they suspected that the illness was worsened by either drug. So, it neither reduced symptoms nor did anything to hurt the virus.
You have to wonder what took so long for an article...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Johnson and Johnson has had multiple recalls for many of their products such as Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin, Mylanta, Rolaid gels and more. Apparently their products have severe quality control problems that lead to wood, metal, and God knows what else!
submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki provide an extensive overview of pain management from the mainstream perspective and from that of complementary and alternative therapies. All drugs, even the over the counter medications, used for pain management have potential serious effects. So they are not ideal. Complications of NSAIDs are massive and should be taken off the market.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
These commonly used drugs have potential serious side effects, which are discussed. We need safer approaches that use styles of practice such as acupuncture, imagery, and infrared light and much more that are here now.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Prescriptions for Health Radio Show May 13,2011Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki explore the following topics
Doctors prefer medical education sponsored by Big Pharma
What is CAM?
Health Medicine and the Health Medicine Forum
H. pylori: inflammation vs anti-inflammation
Dangerous side effects of Tylenol
Vicki's 20-20...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Tylenol is the most commonly used analgesic, but it has important safety concerns. It is a powerful liver toxicant that can lead to death or transplants. It can also cause GI bleeding and other problems that are reviewed.
submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
If you're going to take a medicine, it is also important to ask about side effects. MDs have a tendency to recommend a drug and not emphasize the possible side effects because it is not practical; there are just too many. If MDs disclosed all the complications of medications people would not want them; they'd be far more interested in lifestyle...
submitted by: admin on 05/28/2015
Sayer Ji from GreenMedInfo put together fascinating literature revealing that Tylenol, or acetaminophen, does more than relieve pain; it also dulls emotions! This drug has been on the market since 1953 and we're still learning more about its effects. Is this some kind of clue that the drugs we use in clinical practice are for the most part studied for their...
submitted by: admin on 03/05/2014
More than half of pregnant women take Tylenol (acetamenophen) and according to an article published in the JAMA journal, Pediatrics, the risk of their child developing ADHD rose substantially. This was a study of 64,322 children and mothers in the Danish National Birth Cohort between 1996 and 2002.
The risk of developing a severe form of ADHD...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Repeated doses of slightly too much Tylenol can be fatal. These patients had a higher fatality rate than single doses taken as a suicidal attempt. It take about 15 grams of a single dose to lead to liver failure and the possible need for a liver transplant. Taking just 3 times the recommended dosage can lead to liver failure and death in some people....
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Tylenol is the most commonly used analgesic, but it has important safety concerns. It is a powerful liver toxicant that can lead to death or transplants. It can also cause GI bleeding and other problems that are reviewed. Overdosing is easy because many products have acetamophen added and it is easy to miss.